Just Do It

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"This has got to be the craziest thing you've ever done, Moon," Yoongi rolled his eyes as he signed the papers in front of him.

"I think it's very romantic," Taehyung breathed out, fanning his face as it blushed deeply.

"I didn't say it wasn't the most romantic thing she's ever done," Yoongi couldn't hide his grin, "But crazy, nonetheless."

Jimin gave Taehyung a serving of side eye as he also bent to sign the paperwork, "You getting ideas, Handsome?"

"No," Taehyung laughed, blushing again, "Not immediate ideas, anyway," he gave his boyfriend a sly grin, earning one in return.

"Okay okay," Hoseok chimed in, arms still wrapped around Sam's waist tightly, "We're romantic and crazy," he looked down into her eyes with a sweet expression, "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to take my wife home and remind her the reasons she just signed her life away."

The trio of other men laughed, Yoongi waving devilishly, "Don't forget to text your brother about your newfound status," he warned Sam playfully, "Can't wait to see him lose his shit when he gets home from Frankfurt and finds out you got married at a courthouse in your jeans."

Sam rolled her eyes, swallowing down her nervousness regarding breaking the news to Jin and the impending freak out. She and Hoseok hadn't planned on getting married when they had woke up that morning, it just kind of...happened. He was so hot, waking her up with his fingers between her legs and lips on her neck, then so sweet when he cooked her breakfast and fed her each bite. She had mentioned that she could live with that treatment every day...and Hoseok said he could make that happen. 

Fast forward four hours, and Sam found herself a wedded woman. 

Looking up at Hoseok's adoring gaze, she didn't regret it for a second.

Despite them having only been back together for a few weeks, Sam had never been so sure of a decision in all her life. Sure, maybe it wouldn't work out in the end, but also...maybe it would be the kind of love story she could tell her grandchildren one day. The story of two people meeting under the strangest of circumstances, hating each other so much that it turned into a crush, and eventually falling head over heels for one another in a way that no one around them could explain or comprehend. It was the kind of story that authors with a shaky hand and penchant for truest love strived to attain, and it was a story with a lot of lessons along the way. 

But, most of all, it was their story. 

A light breath over the shell of her ear brought Sam back from her thoughts, giggling at the ticklish feeling as Hoseok squeezed his arms around her.

"Come on, Princess, it's time for our honeymoon."


Despite the lavish hotel room, the romantic ambience of candles, the sweet scent of flower petals strewn across the room - all of which Hoseok had set up himself - the man couldn't help but feel nervous as he waited for his bride to emerge from the bathroom. He'd had her a hundred times, in a million different ways, but none of those times and ways were as her husband. He wanted the night to be memorable, full of the kind of sex and love that promised a lifetime of the same. His hands were sweating and his breaths on the verge of hyperventilating, but all of his trepidation went out the window the second that bathroom door opened.

Sam stood in the doorway, steam falling out and filtering the light behind her to make her look as though she was emerging from another dimension, ethereal and beautiful and sexy beyond his wildest imagination. She was every bit the fae goddess and sex nymph she had been created to be, hair damp and tousled, eyes round and watching him demurely, dressed in a teddy that set his blood on fire and tented his boxers instantly.

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