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'Suga? Oh shit.'

Hoseok gulped, looking at Sam as she took a sip of her drink and got back to work at her computer. Suga was the guy who practically invented underground racing as it stood, taking the unspoken rules and unenforced regulations as they were and turning underground racing into an industry and empire that rivaled drugs and prostitution. He standardized the sport country-wide, and set the bar for it internationally. He was a kingpin, complete with cronies, goons, groupies, and minions throughout the nation.

And he was apparently the cousin of the ridiculously adorable sugar sprite sitting ten feet away from Hoseok.

"Gutter-sucking motherfucking whore!" Sam cursed, pulling her finger back from the papers she had been flipping through and sticking her thumb in her mouth, "Shit-eating Christ, that hurt!"

Well...maybe it wasn't so hard to believe she was related to a gang boss after all.

"Your mouth is something else," Hoseok couldn't help but chuckle.

"You don't even know the half of it," she mused, sucking her thumb again while opening the desk of her drawer to grab a bandaid.

"Oh really?" Hoseok smiled devilishly, all remnants of dangerous relatives cast from his mind.

"I meant I cuss a lot, perv," she rolled her eyes, fumbling with the bandage wrapper.

Hoseok stood from his desk and dropped to his knees in front of her, "Here let me help."

"I've got it."

"Don't be stubborn."

Sam sighed and relented as Hoseok opened the drawer again, fishing around past tampons and packets of energy fizzies and lollipops to reach a small first aid kit. He brought out a foil packet of ointment, dabbing it on the papercut with his pinky before taking the bandage and wrapping it around her thumb. Sam watched him with wide eyes, his tender care and soft touches making her heart flutter for a brief second.

"There," he patted her knee, standing, "Good as new."

"Yeah," she breathed, "Good. Yeah," she cleared her throat, turning to throw away the trash and hide the tint of rose on her cheeks, "Thanks."

"Sure thing, Kitten."

And there he was, back to arrogant asshole.

"Whatever," she mumbled, easily collecting herself at his shameless tone.

After about an hour of blessed silence, the office door breezed open, revealing a grinning Jeongguk and Taehyung. They were bouncing on their toes, their energy infectious as they beamed proudly.

"Hey, Boss," Taehyung rumbled, the deep tone surprising Hoseok, "We just got emails that we've been offered Team Lead for the new Games sector. You know anything about that?"

"I do," Sam gestured for them to enter the office fully, "I'm the one who requested it." She smiled at them proudly as they stood in front of her desk, "Since the department is splitting into two subunits, I've picked Games and asked that you two be my leads for Coding and Graphics," she clasped her hands over her desk, "You'll both be working directly under me!"

Hoseok coughed, trying to cover a laugh and confusing the other men, "Congratulations, guys," he choked out.

"Thanks?" Jeongguk gave him a quizzical look before returning to smiling at Sam, "So, can we take our awesome boss out for a celebratory lunch?"

"It's on us," Taehyung added, "As thanks for considering us and believing in us."

Sam smiled widely, "Of course." she agreed, "But let's go Dutch. You don't have to buy me lunch to thank me for your own hard work."

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now