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"I don't want to go over the projections again," Sam huffed, "We know what they are. We can't trim any time without losing quality, and I don't think we need to have another meeting about it."

Hoseok was at the end of his rope. Sure, he wanted to go over the plans again to make sure every number was in order, but he couldn't deny that spending another few minutes in Sam's presence was a welcoming factor as well. She didn't speak to him unless it was for he found plenty of reasons to speak about work with her. The contract was huge, though, and he really did want to make sure there wasn't anything missed in the end.

Sam, on the other hand, would have much rather looked over the numbers on her own, without the constant staring and distraction of Hoseok's masculine scent too close to her nostrils. Her avoidance of a new meeting with Pro-Mount was irrational, but she really didn't think she could handle watching Hoseok and Claudia give each other sheep's eyes over the conference table. 

Would he touch her up, like he had to Sam in a few of those types of meetings? Text her filth as the secretary recapped the minutes? Groan quietly in her ear, while everyone went over the details of the plans?

Sam felt bile rise in her throat at the idea of having to bear witness to it.

"You're not making sense!" Hoseok snipped at her, "Even if there's nothing wrong whatsoever, a meeting to let them know our progress isn't going to do any damage. It'll let them know that we're intent on keeping them satisfied."

"I'm sure they know very well of your intent to satisfy," she snarked under her breath.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Oh shit. He'd heard her.

"Oh please," she covered her insecurities with ire, "Don't act so innocent. You got the contract," she threw up air quotes, "You bagged the big game, tagged the deal, landed the girl," she rolled her eyes, putting it all out on the table, "You got the gig, Hope. Take the win and let it roll."

Hoseok's eyes narrowed dangerously, "I don't know exactly what you're saying," he dropped his voice low, "But if you're saying what I think you're saying, I'm warning you not to say it again."

"Are you thinking I'm saying that you're a man-whore?" she asked with faux innocence, "Because that's what I'm saying."

"Why are you saying it, though?"

Sam shrugged, "If the shoe fits, lace that shit up and walk down to the whorestore."

Hoseok stepped to her desk, slowly but aggressively, "Are you saying, by chance," his head tilted as his eyes flashed fire, "That I got the Pro-Mount contract by sleeping with the President, rather than by using my experience, intelligence, business savvy, and negotiation skills?"

"I'm saying," Sam's voice rose as she stood to her feet, "That I flat-out heard you practically moaning her name!" She pointed a finger at his chest, "Don't fucking play coy with me, Jung! It's sad enough that you couldn't even wait four days for me to answer your gift, or even that you fucked your way into a contract that we now can't run without, but to use company time to get to see your little...tall...fucking blonde..." her words choked up as she tried to find any flaws regarding the woman in question.

Hoseok laughed.

Sam growled. 

'How fucking dare he?'

"Listen, you can think whatever you want to think," he sneered, "I know where my heart" he shook his head with a huff, "When I fixed Hercules and gave him back to you. I don't know what you think you heard, but I most definitely did not make so much as a pass at the very nice, very married, very gay president of Pro-Mount." He stepped closer, forcing their chests to touch as Sam stood her ground, "So you can take your opinions and your assumptions, and run them over with your cherry fucking bike, Princess, along with your need to be a jealous little shit."

Sam squared her shoulders, "Jealous little shit?" she yelled incredulously, "I'm being a jealous little shit because I came down here, ready to give my heart back to the only person strong enough to break it, and had to listen to you give your bedroom voice to -" she stopped tilting her head, "Did you say gay?"

Hoseok's eyes were wide in shock, "Did you say you came back to me?"

The two of them stood there, staring at each other with a mixture of anger, surprise, and electric desire. They both knew what the other had said, but neither wanted to be the one to back down and let go of their hurt. The silence was palpable, their agitated breathing the only sound as the tension built until it was thick in the room. Finally, Sam cut through with a defeated sigh.

"Yeah," she murmured, "I came here to apologize...or at least to hear you out." She ran her fingers through her hair, "But then I heard you and Claudia -"

"Eating her muffin," Hoseok chuckled at Sam's renewed glare, "No...literally," he held his hands up in surrender, "She made these amazing lemon-blueberry muffins as a celebratory gift. They were incredible." His eyebrows furrowed as he lowered his head, "But then, I saw you and Joon, hugging at the elevator. You were in his arms -"

"Crying over you," Sam hobbled forward, "Because I'd just had my heart broken all over again."

"But you guys go to lunch every day."

"To talk about how he doesn't think I should give up on you."

Hoseok dropped his jaw, running his hand over his face as he broke out into an embarrassed smile, "Are we the both giant fucking idiots?"

Sam returned his grin with her own, "The biggest idiots ever, it sounds like."

"Kitten, I'm so sorry. I -"
"Can you ever forgive me? I -"

They spoke at the same time, both stopping at laughing at their fumbling urgency. Sam shook her head, looking at the ground as Hoseok gestured for her to speak first.

"I love you, Hobi. I know what you did was really shitty, and I know I might have waited too long to hear you out, but I...just...I love you. I'm sorry if you don -"

"I love you," Hoseok rushed out, "I didn't mean to. I didn't think I would. I fucked up, but somewhere along the way, I fell out of the game and completely, stupidly, in love with you, Samantha Dunn."

Sam kept her face to the ground, unsure of what she was supposed to do next. She had thought a lot about the many different ways her confrontation with the man who broke her heart would go, but finding out she was utterly wrong about him in every way wasn't one of them. She didn't know what she was supposed to do next, and her heart was beating too loudly in her chest for her to think rationally. 

Hoseok waited for her to say something...anything...even to just look him in the eyes. They had said what they needed to say, so where did they go from there? What else needed to be said? Well, a lot, actually, but it was all just details. It was all shit that could be worked out together. Finally, with a groan, he gave in, stepping to her and wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Kiss me, idiot."

Sam laughed, looking up at him with tears staining her eyelashes, "You're an idiot, too, idiot."

"Then let's do something really stupid."

She didn't get a chance to respond, only to make a loud squeak as the arms around her waist pulled her tighter and soft lips pressed against her own. Her heart did a full Sunisa Lee floor routine in her ribcage, her eyes fluttering shut as she sighed and melted into the strong arms surrounding her. Hoseok smiled into the kiss as he felt a a petite arm wrap around his neck and a lush tongue lick his bottom lip, knowing he'd found his place in the universe once again - in the heart of the fire sprite who had owned him even before he was willing to admit it. Both of them held back their laughter, not wanting to break the kiss they had waited so long to share.

"Umm, guys?" a shy voice sounded from the door, "The...uh...the finance meeting," Jimin sighed as the couple parted to look at him in surprise, "Well...they're here."

Sam and Hoseok looked through the open blinds, straight into the surprised faces of the CFO and A.J.A.X. finance team, as well as the amused smirks of both Jimin and Taehyung.

"Umm," Hoseok spoke out of the side of his mouth to Sam, not even realizing he still had his arms around her, "Maybe we should have been a little smarter about doing something stupid."

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