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Waking up brought Sam an excess of nausea and sunlight into her life, and a lack of memories. She felt crammed into her own bed, sweaty and gross, and wasn't surprised to see her brother sleeping in bed next to her, smelling like death as well. Trying to get out of bed, her legs were pinned down by a body, a wiggle of her shins eliciting a string of curse words that could only come from Yoongi.

"Guys, get the fuck off my bed, I have a guest room for a reason."

"Moon, if you don't stop yelling, I'm going to run you over with a tractor," Yoongi grumbled, adjusting and cuddling his arms around her calves.

"I'm barely speaking and you have zero tractors, dork," she tried to free herself again, flopping back when her stomach rolled.

"I'm not in your bed," Jin whined, his voice muffled by the pillow, "I'm in hell. This is hell, and I'm in it."

"Well you do smell like you died," Sam admitted, "And also like whoever killed you dipped you in tequila and stuffed you into a whiskey barrel before you met your demise."

A hand shot up to smack at her head, missing, "You don't smell like roses either, bitch."

"Exactly, which is why Yoonie needs to get the fuck up so I can shower."

"Me first!" Jin suddenly jumped up, racing for her bathroom door like he wasn't trying to die on her mattress seconds before, "Out in 20, Shortstuff!"

Sam did a full body flop, upsetting Yoongi's comfortable slumber, "Fuck you, Seokjin!" she shouted, wincing as her head reminded her to keep it down. She pulled her legs to her chest abruptly, smacking his head against the mattress and making him cuss again, "Get up, fucker," she grimaced, "I'm going to shower in the hall bathroom. You can use mine when Jin gets his ass out of there."

"I've got time then," Yoongi's eyes didn't even open as he crawled up the bed and placed his head on the pillow Sam had been using as she stood unsteadily.

Rolling her eyes, Sam trudged to her dresser and got clean clothes and underwear. She was wearing a random tank top and some cartoon alpaca pyjama shorts, which meant Jin had gotten her ready for bed. No surprise there. Her eyes barely open, she carried her armful of clothing out of her room and down the hall, barely aware of her surroundings. Opening the door, her nose caught a whiff of soap, and her eyes seemed to just start to realize there was steam, when a voice shouted out.

"Sam! Shit!"

Sam looked up into the very surprised eyes of Hoseok as he was stepping out of the shower. They both stood there for a few seconds, before he grabbed the towel hanging by the shower door and pulled it to cover his naked body...but not before Sam had gotten a full view of everything.

A very full view.

She finally snapped out of it, yelping and jumping back as she closed the door, her clothes abandoned where she had dropped them in the bathroom. Turning around to run away, she smacked face first into a hard, wet chest.

"Ow!" she rubbed her nose, "What the fuck?"

"Sorry!" two hands grabbed her by the shoulders, "I heard yelling and wanted to make sure everyone was okay!"

Her eyes opened, looking straight into one of her light blue towels, wrapped low around sharp hip bones and showing a defined V-line, rigid abs, and a decent bulge behind the fabric. Her jaw dropped as she raked her eyes up slowly, taking in a sculpted stomach and chest, honey-colored skin, defined collarbones, and two little moles on the left side of a smooth neck.

"Are you going to stare all day, Maze?" and amused voice giggled just above her head, "I can stand here all day for you, but the attention is going to blow up my ego."

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now