A New Hope

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Sam fell back on the bed, sweating and panting as Hoseok tumbled down half on top of her. 

What had begun on Friday evening had continued until Sunday afternoon, so far, neither of them being able to keep their hands off of each other for much longer than quick naps and much-needed food and hydration. They tried to complete normal tasks, they really did, but everything led back to them trapped in each other's arms, moaning and grinding together once again. 

Conversations? Sex.

Food? Sex.

Watch a movie? Sex.

Shower? Definitely sex.

And yet, neither of them had really bested the other. Sometimes, Hoseok was dominant and rough, sometimes sweet and gentle. There were times when Sam took him with a ferocity that had him reeling, other times where she slow and languid in ways that made his chest clench. He loved how she surprised him, learning what sparked the fire inside her, not knowing which style or moves she would pull out next.

Sam could only describe sex with Hoseok as one word: Immaculate.

He wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to learn what made her tick. He observed every breath, moan, scream, and quiver, using them for the next round to heighten her pleasure. Every round took her to new levels, and every length of time between had her aching to go again. She had known he was sexy, even during the times when she didn't want to admit it, but she had no idea he could be so...sensual. She hadn't realized how he ate, how his lips moved when he talked or drank, how is eyes seemed to strip her bare before she even had her clothes off, how his body moved when he walked like a panther on the prowl. The both of them had ignored their phones, wanting nothing more than the next minute, the next bout, the next moment of that immaculate sex.

Hoseok rolled them over, Sam's body laying fully over his as he began to push and pull her hips with his hands on her ass, dragging in and out with his still-hard length. They both moaned, voices hoarse from yelling each other's names only moments before. Their sweat rubbed their bodies together fluidly, skin slipping over skin, just as their mouths slipped over one another in lazy kisses. 

Hoseok began t push her into him harder, smiling into her eyes, "I could literally fuck you all day," he sighed, the pulse pounding on the side of his neck giving warning of his impending finish, "There's something about you, Maze."

"Mmmm," she hummed, kissing his collar bone, "Hobi, you have been fucking me all day....so good...for two days."

"One and a hAlF!" his retort pitched at the end as Sam bit into his shoulder and began wagging her ass up and down on him rapidly.

The rest of their conversation was lost to whines and groans, Hoseok's hands moving to the small of her back as she kept her chest to his and rode him hard. Their skin slapped together, his body tensing as all he could do was let her take him they way she wanted. She never gave up, even as her legs shook and a keening moan erupted from the depths of her chest. She bit harder when the wave crested, letting go with a harsh exhale as it doubled and then dropped her into an ocean of pleasure. Just as her body began to relax, Hoseok took over, wrapping his arms around her and bending his knees to pound up into her with a feral growl. He chased his high, only a dozen or so strokes before filling the condom and a dictionary's worth of whispered curse words.

"Jesus-fucking-Christ!" he laughed, breathing hard as Sam rolled off of him to catch her breath, "What are you doing to me?"

"Nothing you don't instigate," she panted, smacking his toned ass cheek as he fell onto his stomach after disposing of his condom, "If you're ready to throw in the towel, though, I completely understand."

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora