Rise Again

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Sam was a goddess.

The wind whipping her hair, the sound of the engine between her thighs, the feel of the handles as she gripped them tightly. Nothing could stop her heart from soaring.

"Not so fast, Kitten," the arrogant voice sounded in her helmet, "Don't get cocky."

Hoseok's bike blazed past her as they went into the turn, making her grit her teeth and duck down closer to the body of her her own ride.

"I don't think so, Hope."

Tucking her arms closer to her body, she hugged the metal between her knees and gunned the engine. Coming up beside Hoseok, she set her eyes on the next turn, ignoring the huff of frustration she heard in the helmet speakers, her focus unwavering. She barely registered his curse as she pulled out ahead of him, or the slight chuckle as he turned the tides once again in his favor by taking the inside of the turn and creeping in front of her once again. 

Win, lose, or draw, it felt so good to be out on the track again.

But win was always better.

Sam and Hoseok raced like they loved, neither could ever get the upper hand no matter how hard they tried. Neither would give an inch if they thought they were in the win, and neither would resent the other if the win was fair and square. They were competitive, argumentative, stubborn, and relentless in their passion.

They were perfect for each other.

With a quick glance at one another, they smiled wide before snapping their focus on the finish line, each gaining a little only to lose a little and gain it again. Back and forth, neck and neck, the whole crowd silent as they watched who might come out on top.

With the blast of the gun and wave of the flag, the winner was decided in skill and steel.


The headboard banging against the wall paced hard and fast, the reverberations knocking the pictures off the wall and the golden trophies off the nightstand as a scream tore through the room.

"Right there, Hobi! I'm coming!"

Hoseok stretched his neck back, basking in the squeeze he felt around his cock. He pounded her through it, only slowing when the clenches ebbed to flutters and he knew she needed to catch her breath. He kissed the ankle propped up on his shoulder, nipping at the instep and earning a squeal that made his heart jump and a smile paint over his face. Rolling sinuously, he gave a smirk at Sam as she moaned low once again.

"Who's the winner now, Kitten?"

Sam laughed, bringing her leg from his shoulder and pushing so she could roll on top of him. She rocked her hips, sighing deeply at the feel of his perfect dick reaching deep inside her. Bending close, she let her lips graze his, switching to a bounce of her ass that make him groan through clenched teeth.

"Still me, Baby."

A sparkle went through his gaze, "That's where you're wrong," he grunted when she throbbed around him, "See...I have the sexiest woman, with her pretty little pussy wrapped around my cock," he lifted his arms around her and held her close as he kissed her throat, "And I'm married to the VP of Development at the world's largest software company," he thrust up hard, rolling his eyes at the moan that erupted from her plush lips, "And I'm fucking the number one racer in the country," he stretched his neck to catch her lips in a sensuous kiss, pulling back to look her in the eyes, "So I'm the one who won in the end."

"Mmm," she nodded, nipping at his jaw and resuming wagging her ass up and down, "But I'm married to the President of Development at the world's largest software company," she giggled when he smiled wide, "And fucking the second top racer in the country," she lifted her ass to clench and tease the tip of his dick, "And I have the best fuck in at least three states at my mercy."

"Fuck I love you."

"Not as much as I love you."

Hoseok gripped her hair, pulling back as he sat  them both up. His free hand cupped her ass, lifting and pushing her up and down and he thrust to meet her. Their conversation devolved, their mouths too busy fighting for domination as they kissed sloppily and caught each other's moans in between breaths. Hoseok broke the kiss, hearing his name chanted in reverence as he took a taught nipple into his mouth. He flicked his tongue, huffing through his nose in pride as he bit down lightly and earned a string of curse words, swirling his tongue again to ease the sting. 

He could never get  enough of her. Her immaculate body, her infectious laugh, her sharp wit, and her sweet affection. She was insatiable when it came to him. His intelligent mind, his playful nature, his tender care, his exquisite form. They were competitors and lovers, opposites that were the same, a yin and a yang that balanced their forces completely.

"Hobi, I'm coming!"

"Fuck yes, Kitten. Come on my cock. Let me feel you."

Hoseok pressed his forehead to the valley between her breasts, Sam grinding in little jerking motions at the end of each thrust as she neared completion. He gasped as he felt her sweet cavern convulse around him. The feeling overwhelmed him every time, when she pulled him happily into the abyss with her. He was lost in the moment, biting her neck as he held her tighter and fucked up into her until they both tensed as one. Their bodies stilled, only tiny spasms and the small flex of muscles as they mixed their release and blended their bliss. Their bodies finally went slack, even as their arms wound tighter and they fell to the bed side by side.

"Are you happy?" Hoseok looked into her eyes, fingers trailing up and down her spine softly.

Sam grinned back, "You ask me that every day."

"Because I want to know that I'm always giving you the best."

"You are the best, Hobi. As long as I have you, I have the best."

"I don't know about that," he chuckled, "But I am pretty fucking stellar."

"With a cosmic ego to boot."

"I can't help it if you inflate my ego," he kissed her shoulder, "But I can think of one thing that might make the best even better."

"What that?" Sam furrowed her eyes in question.

"Kiss me again, Kitten."

***THE END***

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***THE END***

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now