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Sam's heart was ready to leap out of her chest, racing ever faster as she hobbled out of Yoongi's garage and through his living room. Jin rushed after her, trying to get her to slow down, since she had only been in her boot for a day and a half, a frustrated yell following her as he rushed to help her in get in the car. Her body was practically vibrating, her good leg bouncing up and down erratically, her hands wringing together as she chewed on her lip and squeezed her eyes shut every time she felt like traffic wasn't letting her move fast enough. 

"We'll get there," Jin reassured her as he drove.

He knew exactly where he was taking her, without her even saying anything. He knew where his sister needed to be in that moment, and who she was so anxious to get to. He wasn't sure if he agreed, necessarily, but he had to admit that Hoseok had done everything he would have done himself if he was in the same situation. Regardless of her refusal to accept them, he sent flowers to the hospital and again to her house when she was released. He sent gifts and jewelry, all of which she sent back immediately. But there was no denying that refurbishing her bike was a bold move that she couldn't ignore.

It meant he wanted her to get back in the saddle, to get back on the track and compete again. That bike meant he still respected her ability to rise again.

That was something that no one, outside of Jin and Yoongi, had ever done for her.

Believe in her.

Jin pulled up in front of the elevator in the parking garage, Sam jumping out before the car was even completely stopped. He tried to get out and help her, but she was too fast for him even in her hobbled state. She pushed the button for the elevator, rushing in and pressing the button for the doors to close in rapid succession until it finally happened and she could breathe a short moment of relief. She exited outside of the production floor, ignoring anyone who waved or shouted their hello to her, beelining for the office door that felt like the last barrier between her and true salvation. She was out of breath, the exertion of walking so long and going so hard catching up to her just as she reached the space outside of the office. She paused, hands still shaking as she took a few deep breaths and tried to calm her heart and her nerves. 

Just as she reached for the door, a voice made her stop.

A female voice.

Light, laughing, complimentary and sophisticated. A female voice.

"Oh, Hobi, you know I'll always give it up for you!"

Sam froze. 

Her heart fell into her stomach as she heard the man of her desire respond with laughter of his own, "Ah, Claudia, so fucking good."

He was laughing. Using his flirty voice. One she knew very well, from every moment he attempted to seduce her, and every moment he succeeded in doing so. It was the dropped octave, the lilt of mischief, the cocksure arrogance that gave his timbre its bass. She could almost see the glint in his eye as he looked at the woman whose voice giggled shamelessly for him, the way he would watch his hands move over her body. She could feel that he was licking his lips when he paused in speech, a resounding scoff showing his amusement at whatever he saw next. 

She pulled her hand back, let it fall to her side, trembling almost as hard as her bottom lip. She tried to block out the conversation, but each new sentence made their way to her ears and stabbed at her heart. She had read the signs wrong, obviously. He hadn't given her back her bike in order to win her back.

He'd given it to her as a parting gift. A way to say to goodbye.

Because, as she could hear, he'd finally moved on.

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now