Beat You to It

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Sam nearly tumbled backward into the edge of the closing door, glaring at Hoseok as he stepped forward while she righted herself. He stopped in his tracks, pain, anger, and concern flashing across his face in the matter of a split second. His outstretched hands dropped to his sides, his face falling as he looked at her with the saddest eyes she had ever seen.

"H-Hoseok," she stammered, catching her breath, "I thought you' at..."

"Lunch," he nodded, "I stayed back as soon as I saw those papers hit your desk," he looked back at the stack of files, "I hoped you'd come to get them," he turned back to her, "So I could see you."

"I work here," Sam began controlling her voice better, "You would have seen me again eventually."

"Not like that," he blew out an exasperated breath, "I needed to see you. If you could just let me expl -"

"Where's your trophy," Sam cut him off, looking around, "I figure you'd want to display it somewhere," her voice went cold as her anger finally bubbled up inside her, "Y'know...put the final nail in the coffin."

Hoseok held his stomach as though she had kicked him, "Baby please don't do this."

"Don't call me Baby," Sam seethed, "I am not your Baby. I should never have ever been your Baby, your Kitten, your ANYTHING!" her voice rose, even as her hands shook on the handles of her crutches, "I should have listened to my gut, listened to all the warning bells, paid attention to all the rumors and all the red flags!" She lifted a finger to point at him, ignoring the look of devastation on Hoseok's face, "I knew better...I fucking knew...better than to get involved with a self-centered, egotistical, scheming, fuckboy like YOU!" Sam laughed bitterly as she pushed her hair back from her face, "And the worst? I fucking fell for it, hook line and sinker. I fell for every pretty word and every pretty promise and all those sweet kisses...I fucking fell for it," she scoffed, glaring in his eyes, "Just to find out that I was a pawn. My heart was used to as a fucking distraction, and I meant so little to you that you couldn't even give a check back when your eyes were on the prize." 

She let her anger and hurt fuel her body, rushing forward as fast as she could to get past him and grab the files from her desk. She shoved them in her bag, ignoring the smell of his cologne as she went by him again, opening the door and pausing to look at him one last time. 

"I hope it was worth the win, Baby."

The sound of a broken sob made its way to her ears as Sam opened the door without looking back. She tried to ignore it, but it haunted her the rest of the day, and even into her dreams.


Walking into Yoongi's house was a bag of mixed feelings for Sam

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Walking into Yoongi's house was a bag of mixed feelings for Sam. On one hand, it was her comfort space, her safe place. The place where she would hang out with her cousin and feel like herself, where she could receive familial love and not have to put on a show to be accepted. On the other, it was every reminder of their shared passion and love for racing. His old trophies in cases on the walls, pictures of every winner since he had started his first track with him standing proudly beside them. Her fingers trailed over the largest dozen, her own ecstatic smile shining back at her, Yoongi's signature grin wide as ever as his arm slung around her shoulder, and she wondered again if she would ever ride again.

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