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Sam felt like a goddess.

It was the only time she really felt free, with 1200 CCs and the power of 125 horses between her thighs, hugging the turns like the curves of a lover as she left her competition in the dust. Loose strands of her hair whipped in the air, leaving microscopic welts against her neck and trailing wildly over the clear face guard of her helmet. She smiled as she saw the corner before the final stretch, feeling giddy at the prospect of yet another win.

She was the wind.

A brief light appeared from the corner of her eye, making her heart rate pick up as she worried about the cops. She couldn't be arrested, her family would never let her live it down. Just as she was about to turn her head, she felt the wind from another bike and the heat from its exhaust come up beside her. The other rider was close...too fucking close...the turbulence from his ride causing her to falter for a fraction of an inch. His handlebars nearly touched hers as he sped by, her attention returning to the road and correcting herself a second too late.

She rounded the corner much faster than she intended, the only thing saving her being the thick padding on the guards over her leathers as she leaned out of the centrifugal force and skimmed her knee along the road so she could keep her balance. She righted herself as she edged out of the corner and redlined her engine, despite her win being long gone.

After pulling into the finish line with a clear second-in-place, Sam sped to the safety area and hit the brakes so hard her back tire lifted off the ground. Kicking her stand, she practically leapt off of the vehicle, tearing her helmet from her head and narrowing her golden eyes onto her target.

He was already standing in front of his bike, graciously accepting the shouts of praise from the spectators and the fangirling giggle of the plastic Barbie attached to his arm. He was smiling widely at those around him, his expression cocky as he allowed his new-found followers to bask in his glory. Sam stalked through the crowd, shoving people to the side until she had a clear shot.

"Motherfucker!" she yelled, throwing her helmet at the man and hitting him in the chest, "What the fuck was that?"

He stumbled backward, making the girl he was practically wearing stumble as well. He shot Sam a glare, eyes widening as he took in her tiny stature, hot pink hair, and murderous glare. His eyes went as round as could be, realization hitting him.

"You're a girl?" his voice came out in a surprised squeak.

"That's what you got out of this?" Sam barked, getting up in his face, "Not the fact that you could have fucking killed me back there?" She pointed a finger up just in front of his nose, "You came in way too hot and way too close. That was a dick fucking move!"

The man collected himself quickly in the face of the short demon, "You sure you're not just pissed because you lost? Sorry to have broken your streak, Maze."

Sam felt her hands reach for his throat before physically willing herself not to kill him, "As fast as you came in, you would have won anyway," she snarled, "You had plenty of room. You didn't need to rub me!"

"I figured you could handle it," he shrugged, ignoring that fact that he did, in fact, only do what he did to get into the head of the rider he formally thought was a man, "You lived. You're fine. Accept your parting prize and let it go."

"You almost made me lay down my bike," her voice was low and dangerous as she stepped even closer to his face, "If there is even one scratch on my baby, I will find you and I will cut you cock to throat, you son of a bitch."

The man rolled his eyes, "If she's scratched, bring her to my shop. Fine. I'll fix it. Hope Garage."

"Hercules is a he," she growled, "And I will hold you to that."

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now