Sweet N' Slow

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Sam checked herself in the mirror one last time, trying to make sure everything looked in place, since Jeongguk was waiting outside. He had told her to dress casual, so she hoped her sailor-front shorts and boat neck crop top were adequate. Her platform sneakers made her legs look great, and her hair was up in two high buns that she figured were both fashionable and functional in case they were doing something sporty. Applying one last layer of lip gloss, she blew a kiss to her reflection and bounced out the door.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw Jeongguk leaning casually on his car. His striped shirt showed the breadth of his chest, his belt accentuating the taper of his trim waist. He saw Sam and stood upright, smiling wide as he offered the iced coffee he had bought for her.

 He saw Sam and stood upright, smiling wide as he offered the iced coffee he had bought for her

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"Here," his smile never left his face as he held out the drink, "To help you keep up."

"Where are we going?" she asked, taking a sip of the sweet caffeinated concoction, "I won't hold a candle to you if we're playing sports," she chuckled, eyeing his expansive muscles.

"I wouldn't want to do that for our first date," he laughed, opening the car door for her. He leaned down to catch her eye as she sat in the seat, "I need to see how competitive you are first."

Sam shook her head as he shut the door and slid into the driver's seat. He had no idea.


"Play World?" Sam breathed out, looking around at the giant arcade, "I haven't been here since high school!"

"I hope you don't find it immature," Jeongguk scratched the back of his head, smiling wide when Sam shook her head in denial, "Good! Let's get some cards get down to business!"

She laughed as he grabbed her hand, pulling her into the fray of flashing lights and bells and sirens.

"You might be stronger, but I'm faster!" Sam set her feet in a wide stance, her fists up and elbows bent, ready to punch like her life depended on it. "I played this for hours when I was a kid. You have no chance, Kookie!"

The Kung Fu Panda screen lit up, throwing digital fruit at the upper corner. Sam punched the corresponding soft pad, splattering the fruit quickly so fake juice splashed across the screen. She repeated the action, hitting one of the directional soft pads with her fists as squishing sounds came from the game's speakers, the score raising higher at a rapid rate. Jeongguk's cocky grin started sliding off of his face as she racked up the points.

"I literally box to work out!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide as she passed his high score, "How are you doing this?"

"I told you, I played this a lot as a kid," she giggled, continuing to destroy fruit and block Shifu's advances on the screen, "But, also, I've taken kickboxing since my junior year of high school." She finished off with a high side kick to the upper right pad, "When your cousin starts letting you hang out with his gangster friends, you learn to hold your own in case of a scrap up."

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