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Hoseok was up to some straight hoodoo shit. There was no way he actually smelled as good as he smelled, sitting next her in the conference room while their directors gave them updates on the company. Apparently A.J.A.X. was doing pretty well...good stocks or margins or some shit...Sam literally couldn't concentrate past the man sitting beside her.

Hoseok was oblivious to her distress, his dark eyes attentive as the man at the front of the large table spoke, his jawline sharper than her wit as his head tilted while he listened. He had the same berries and spice scent he always had, but somehow either more of it or the same amount in an intense, fresher form. Her mouth was literally watering, her palms sweating and thighs clenching every time he so much as breathed.

She took a shaky sip of her iced coffee, setting it back down and letting out a silent sigh. She was just hard up after having two amazing dates, two delectable kisses, from two ridiculously sexy men. Her dry spell so far had been long and arduous, her focus being on excelling in the office and on the track, so it definitely didn't have anything to do with Hoseok. Not with the way his slacks stretched over his thigh has he crossed his legs, or his serious stare as he listened to the meeting, or even how his skin was so flawless it seemed to glow from the inside out.

Her attention slid to the pen he twirled in his hand, the way the veins danced under his skin, his nimble fingers playing with the small stick unconsciously. She imagined those fingers in her mouth, making her saliva run down her chin as he prepped her gag reflex to take his cock next. Them wrapping around her throat as her hips were pummeled into the mattress. She prayed for the meeting to end quickly so she could go and clean herself up in the bathroom before an embarrassing wet spot soaked through her tight turquoise capris.

Her prayers were answered, the meeting adjourned a few minutes later, despite Sam having no idea what was discussed. She figured she could just get the details from the minutes that would be sent out via email, rushing to the nearest restroom to tidy her drenched panties and splash cold water on her face.

She missed the pair of eyes that followed her flustered state down the hallway.


"Hey," Sam muttered, walking into her office still a bit worked up.

"Hey," Hoseok returned, his tone dark as he watched her move to the fridge and grab a soda.

He stood up, walking to the window and closing the blinds. His steps were slow and calculated, closing all three sets and blocking the view into the office from the floor, pulling down the blinds on the door and closing them as well before locking it and making his way toward her.

Sam hitched a breath, trying to play it cool, "What's up?" she eyed the door for a brief moment, "Did you want to discuss the meeting?"

"I did want to discuss the meeting," he smirked, the corner of his lip curling, "Or, rather, how through the entirety of the important, two-hour meeting, you seemed to be eyeing me like I was about to be your last meal." He stalked closer, "Something on your mind, Kitten?"

Sam tried to come up with a witty retort, but her voice got lost the second his scent hit her nose once again. Instead, a small whimper escaped her, making any remainder of Hoseok's resolve crumble to dust. His slender fingers trailed up the column of her throat, curling around the back of her neck so he could pull her face closer to his as he spoke sternly.

"I've been patient," he clipped, "I've watched you best me on the bikes, code circles around my team, schmooze every executive in this company. I watched you flirt with my friends and co-workers, had to hear about your precious dates with them." His hand slipped up to her hair, curling and holding just tight enough to keep her head lifted to look him in the eye, "Yet, I also see you fidget when I come near, the way your cheeks flush and your pulse pounds at your throat," his lips touch her ear as he leaned in, his voice bordering on anger, "What am I supposed to do with that, Kitten? How much patience is one man supposed to have?"

Her knees felt weak, like they would give out at any moment. She lifted her hands to steady herself on the nearest solid object, another whimper answering the low growl when they landed on his hard chest.

"Give me your keys," Hoseok's voice let her know there was no room for negotiation.

She fumbled a shaking hand into her jacket, pulling out a simple set of keys attached to a Baby Yoda keychain, handing them over swiftly. She watched as he removed both hands from her, keeping his body close as he looked at the three metal items, selecting one and pulling it off. He stuff it in the pocket of his slacks, returning the others to their home in her jacket. Before she could even look back up into his eyes, she found herself back against the wall, one hand cupping her face as the other fisted the collar of her blazer. His lips were on hers in a flash, tongue seeking entry which she easily gave on a low moan.


Even as urgent and forceful as his kiss was, it reminded of the smooth velvet of rich milk chocolate. The kind of kiss that could balm the nerves or excite the senses, depending on how you consumed it. It was sweet, but held a warmth that traveled all the way out to fingers and toes, the taste of him threatening to make her into an addict. Her eyes rolled shut, a sharp exhale huffing through her nose as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her eager body even closer to his, making him groan as he released her lips.

His mouth traveled to her jaw greedily, "You have two choices," he whispered, breath fanning her neck, "One: I can bend you over my desk, fuck you hard and fast. We get it out of our systems and try to go about our day until I have time to put you under me again." He nipped lightly below her ear, "Or two: You leave early. Get in your car and drive straight to your house, where I'll be waiting to take you over and over, until we both can't take anymore." He ground his hardness against her, making her moan again, "Choose now, Kitten, before I lose the last of my limited patience."

His free hand pushed down to the outside of her pants, the heel of his palm rubbing harshly on her mons as she tried to make anything resembling a coherent thought or cohesive sentence. True to his word, she could literally feel his restraint slipping, his hips flexing against her for friction to ease his own aching need. She wanted him, then and there, but she knew herself well enough to realize there wouldn't just be the one quickie. She knew he had a beast pent inside of him, and there would be know going back once it was released until one or both of them passed out.

"Home," she moaned, "I'll meet you there."

Hoseok chuckled, stepping back just enough to let her catch her breath, "Leave in five minutes. Call me the second you're in your car. Don't dawdle, no distractions." He kissed her deeply again, "Don't test me, Kitten. Not today."

Without another word, Hoseok released her, a smug smirk on his swollen lips at her need to steady herself with a hand on the mini-fridge. His eyes fluttered closed as he made a point of adjusted the rigid shaft in his pants, then he turned on his heels and walked to the door. Grabbing his jacket, he slung it over his shoulder as he unlocked the door. Opening it, he turned and looked her over pointedly one last time, his lip tucked tightly under his teeth, then let stalked out the door and let it close behind him.

Sam took her time, shutting down both of their computers and gathering her things. It was Friday, meaning most of the team had cut out early, and luckily all of those who might take notice that she and Hoseok left so closely to one another. Fixing her hair in the reflection of her screen, she straightened her spine and pulled her purse strap over her shoulder, walking confidently out of the office and to the parking garage despite her insides doing backflips with nervousness and anticipation.

Sitting in her car, Sam started the engine before putting her phone in its holder and connecting it to bluetooth. She pushed the call button as she waited at the exit to turn onto the street, hearing it ring once before a seductive voice answered.

"Looks like there's a bit of traffic today," he purred, "Might as well make use of the commute." His voice went down an octave, becoming dark and demanding, "Hand in your pants, Kitten. Let's prime that little pussy of yours until I can claim it for my own."

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now