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"Hey boys," Sam entered the floor cheerfully, greeting two nervous men the second she came in the door. Her face turned to confusion as she watched them shift on their feet uncomfortably, "What's going on?"

"It's probably nothing," Jeongguk looked over to his cohort, Taehyung, who pursed his lips, "That new boss guy just had a bunch of stuff moved into your office."

"Of course he did," Sam rolled her eyes, "He just couldn't wait to rub his balls over everything."

"What?" Taehyung asked, confused.

Sam giggled at how cute and innocent the tall man could be, "It's just a saying, Tae," she stood on her toes to pat his head, "He's just being that guy. You don't get it because you're a decent human being."

Taehyung blushed and toed his foot at the ground like a shy schoolgirl. Sam repressed the urge to squeal and pinch his cheeks, much like she had to do a thousand times a week with both of the guys in front of her. They were just too adorable, she wanted to keep them in her shoe. She couldn't understand how they didn't realize that they were tall, attractive, virile young men, primed for picking up girls in bars and sowing their wild oats nightly. Instead, they spent their time playing or creating video games, coding in a basement office, those muscles and expanses of golden skin wasted behind cans of energy drinks and back-lit screens. 

Sam had considered taking them home and teaching them the proper ways to sin, more than a few times, but always tossed the idea to the wind because she couldn't bear seeing them lose their wide-eyed innocence. The day someone else broke their cherry, though, she'd consider them free game.

"You're giving me that look again," Taehyung shrunk down, "Before you mess my hair up and say something weird."

"You're just so precious," Sam sighed, ruffling his hair, "My uwus are burstin' here, kid."

"I knew it," he grumbled, pulling Jeongguk back to their desks, "So weird."

Taking a few cleansing breaths, Sam girded her loins and made her way into her office. Walking in, she found not only Hoseok and his god-awful office get up invading her sacred space, but two other men laughing obnoxiously at whatever idiot thing he must have said before she walked in. At her presence, the room cleared of laughter, only to fill with smirking faces.

"Oh, Maze," one of the new men smiled so wide his eyes nearly disappeared, "Hobi said we were in for a surprise today," he rubbed his thumb over his lip, "I just didn't know it'd be a pleasant one."

"Keep it in your pants, Sweets," Sam rolled her eyes at the man, using his racing moniker, "It's good to see you, RM," she addressed the other man with a shy smile. Her smile dropped as she looked at Hoseok, "Now that it's all out of the way, can we not keep crossing beams here? I can't afford to lose the credit I've built up in either one." She waved her hand around the room, "I know it doesn't mean much to you guys, because you're men and no one ever questions a person with a penis," she walked over to her desk, setting her coffee and her bag down, "But racing and coding aren't a woman's world, and I've had to work hard," she eyed all three of the men with a hard gaze, "So keep your fucking mouths shut and let's keep visits to the track, yeah?"

All three looked at her with surprise, Hoseok finally chuckling before speaking up, "That's gonna' be tough, Kitten," he grinned wider at her scowl, "These two are joining my team as soon as possible. Sweets...err, the best graphic designer outside of Silicon Valley, and RM is a master coder."

"Namjoon," the other man corrected, "If...?"


"If Sam wants us to keep it separated, then we gotta use my real name too."

"Thank you, Namjoon," Sam offered politely, "And, Mr. Jung, you must have heard wrong when you were told you could hire anyone you wanted. According to my agreement with Loft yesterday, all new hires have to be approved through me."

"No, I heard," Hoseok eyed her bottom to top as he walked over to her desk and laid down two folders, "i just know you're not going to say no, Kitten."

"Stop calling me that," Sam grimaced at the nickname, "The day I'm your kitten is the day I hand you the title to my bike," she smiled sweetly, "And that will happen at never o'clock, so keep your pet names for your groupies, Jung."

"Never say never," he held his hands up in surrender, returning to his desk and his friends, "Just look over their CVs and tell me I'm wrong there."

Sam rolled her eyes again, earning a bark of laughter from Namjoon, and smiled at him before opening the folders. Eyeing them briefly, she huffed in annoyance the second she realized he was right. Namjoon's coding was immaculate, easily on par with Jeongguk's. Meanwhile, Jimin's graphics didn't have the same finesse as Taehyung's, but it was a close second and she couldn't fault his skills. Sighing deeply, she closed the folders and looked at the three men who were watching her expectantly.

"For once, you're not a complete idiot, Jung," she admitted, "If you want Mr. Kim and Mr. Park on your team, I'm sure they'll make excellent additions to Softwares."

"I see you're taking Games, then?" Hoseok quirked an eyebrow.

"I am," Sam confirmed with a smirk, "And I'm taking Jeongguk and Taehyung as my leads for the team."

"Damn...can't win 'em all, I guess."

"Can't win at all, but that's a different story." She turned to Namjoon and Jimin, handing them each a printed page of paper and small business card, "Take these to the front desk, and they'll get you started on HR fluff and orientation. I look forward to working with you, and seeing you keep your knowledge to in-office chatter only."

"Sounds good, Captain," Jimin gave her a cheeky smile, "I look forward to working you as well."

Sam didn't miss how he said what he said, but chose to ignore, it, looking at her laptop and waving the men off to complete their tasks. She got to work, waking up her computer and opening an email to send to her boss regarding the games team and her chosen subordinates, including lead suggestions and subsequent pay raises for Taehyung and Jeongguk. She finished her memos and began to check a few more emails, when she couldn't ignore the eyes burning a hole in the side of her head any longer.

"What do you want, Jung?" she asked in a bored tone, her eyes staying firmly on her computer screen.

"I'm just wondering why you keep your life so compartmentalized," he mused, "It would give you some serious cred on both sides."

"It would give you cred," she corrected, still typing, "It would make me look rebellious and flaky."

"You're telling me the guys and girls out there," he motioned out the production floor, "Wouldn't look at you in awe and delight to know you race badass bikes in your free time?"

"They might," she admitted, pausing to look at him, "But the men who work above me, and sign my paychecks, wouldn't think it was so cool." She gestured at Hoseok himself, "You, sure. They'd think you were awesome. They'd pat you on your back for being know, ballsy...and for being both good at your job and good at something cool guys do." She pointed back at herself, "Me, however...well...I'd be seen as a girl who can't just be happy with with what I have. A girl who is trying too hard to break the glass ceiling. A next-level ball breaker."

"Aren't you a ball breaker, though?" he mused with a short laugh.

"I'm just someone who wants to do what I love to do," Sam sighed, getting back to her keyboard, "And I'm not above making some threats to make sure I get to keep doing it without sand in my ass."


"I'm sure you haven't been around enough, but I've got my connections. I'm not the only black sheep in my family."

"Ooh," he clapped his hands excitedly, "Do tell, Kitten."

"My cousin takes care of things from time to time," she grinned evilly, looking at Hoseok from under her lashes, "Maybe you have heard of him. On the track, we call him...Suga."

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now