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"This isn't going to work," Sam put her smoothie on the coaster of her desk as her boss sat down, "With all due respect, Mr. Loft, we don't need a Co-Captainship. We've been doing just fine. My last report to you showed- "

"Yes, yes," the man cut her off, "Yor reports have shown amazing results. You've done a great job in the past two years, Miss Dunn," He crossed his legs, folding his hands over the bent knee, "So much so, that we have managed to show your progress and land a fair amount of sizable new contracts." He smiled as Sam's eyebrows shot up to her hairline, "We'll need to nearly double our numbers in order to keep up the current progress, and as such I feel as though splitting the team is the best strategy here."

"Splitting the team, how?" she asked, still surprised at the admission of her own success.

"One team will be technical software, such as the upgrade your team is working on for the financial sector now," he moved his hand from one side of his knee to the other, "And another team that focuses on graphics and coding for the gaming sector that we are able to expand mainly with these new deals." Loft leaned forward, the light from above gleaming on his glasses, "As you have seniority, you will, of course, have your choice of which team to run...but please do bear in mind that you will be working alongside and closely with Mr. Jung regardless of which of you handle which team." 

"Well damn," Sam breathed out causing her boss to chuckle lightly, "I guess I have no choice," she smiled in defeat, "I'll head the gaming division...BUT," she held up her finger, "I get to pick my team that will be working for me from the current team, and assist Mr. Jung in backfilling new hires for both teams."

"Agreed," Mr. Loft stood and offered his hand to shake on the deal, "I look forward to what you and Mr. Jung can do for A.J.A.X."

Sam reached out to shake on the deal, feeling good about the poor turn of events moving in her favor, when the door t her office opened abruptly. Hoseok walked in, hands shoved in his pockets, looking like he already owned the joint. Sam glared at him as he appraised her space, making Loft clear his throat.

"Music's loud out there," Hoseok observed, "Seems like something like that would be distracting to productivity," he continued looking around, practically ignoring the other two people in the room.

"You are free to let your own team suffer in boring silence," Sam suggested, "Wherever you will be taking them."

"Oh," Mr. Loft pushed his glasses up a bit nervously, "We won't be expanding the space, Samantha. There's no room to put 20 developers...but we could fit 10 more in this area pretty easily."

"True," Sam agreed, "But then how is Mr. Jung supposed to manage his team?"

"From this office, of course," Hoseok's tone was highly amused.

"You mean from my office?" Sam was having a hard time controlling the anger boiling inside her gut.

"Our office."


"Yep! You get to share your space, time, and aura," he opened his arms wide, "With all of this beauty."

Mr. Loft cleared his throat uncomfortably, "I'm sure you two can work this out," he gave Sam a pointed look, "Please do have your team and choices to me by the end of tomorrow, Miss Dunn."

As their supervisor hurried out of the office, the two turned toward each other, one wearing a sunny smile and the other a stormy scowl. Hoseok sauntered over to Sam, getting far too much into her personal space for her liking as he looked down at her with a smirk.

"You know, Maze," his eyes lit up when she flinched at the use of her street name "I did my research before moving to this city. Checked out the top companies, researched the top racers. I came here to go up against the best in both worlds," he walked around her in a circle, hands clasped behind his back, "I needed some competition in my life, some new...excitement. So, imagine my surprise, when I entered into these completely separate fields," he stopped behind her and moved his mouth toward her ear, "And"

Sam shivered, moving away from him before turning to glare, "Well, Hope," she used his street name right back at him, only earning another grin, "Hate-don't-hate to disappoint you, but you're about to find yourself in a pretty sorry state." She dropped her arms, lifting her chin in a challenge, "It's going to suck for you here...always being in second place."

"Don't forget, I've already beat you."

"In a minor heat," she scoffed, "Where I was overconfident and loose because I already have first position." Sam returned his smirk with her own, "I didn't even have to race the other night. I only did it because like to ride."

"Oh I bet you do," he returned, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip, "You seem like the kind of girl that just loves to ride."

Sam didn't miss the double meaning of his words, making her roll her eyes, "What I love," she crossed her arms again, "Is when people leave me alone, and let me be me," she glared at him pointedly, "Especially arrogant bastards who only have their brains where they sit."

"You've got a mouth," Hoseok gave her a dark look, stepping forward into her space again, "I like it."

"Well, get use to it," Sam plastered a fake smile over her face, "Because you're going to hear a lot of it...every time I remind you that you're still in second place." She grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder, "Now, if you don't mind, I have shit to do that involves a lot less," she waved in his general direction, "Shit."

With that, she left the office, smiling goodbyes to her loyal subordinates as she skipped toward the elevator and leaving Hoseok in the dust with an unspoken retort stinging his tongue. The girl intrigued him, that much was fact, but she was also his competition. She was something to study, not befriend.

She had to have a weakness. It was just up to Hoseok to find it.

Ride - JHS ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now