Chapter 2

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Here's another chapter, just because I can ;)


Chapter 2

Stumbling through the door of her apartment, Sakura tripped over her own feet and landed on her butt. In a daze she ripped her shoes off and groaned as she flexed her toes.

"My feet hurt so bad! I need to get a message soon or find a boyfriend who's good with his hands."

Mind set on a hot shower, she stretched languidly and walked towards her bedroom.

The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and she jerked her eyes up, looking into her living room. Two bodies stood in front of her balcony door, blocking the moonlight that would normally be filtering through her home.

Her muddled mind forgot her shinobi status and she emitted a frightened squeak before her brain could understand what it was seeing. Both men chuckled at her reaction, helping her recognize the two ANBU standing in front of her.

"Really? Neither of you could, I don't know, announce your presence? Purposely make a noise? Say hello? Throw a book at me?"

When neither replied, she sighed and ran her hand over her face.

"Right. Business as usual. I take it you're here for a middle of the night healing session. I can help but I can't handle anything serious right now. My chakra is low and I'm exhausted. So, you WILL listen if I tell you to seek more medical attention once I've ran a diagnostic scan on you."

She plopped down on the couch as she waited for a response, grumbling about men and their entitled ways.

The man with the weasel mask approached her, gingerly sitting on the couch. She glanced at his blood-soaked clothes while he methodically removed his ANBU armor, being careful not to jostle his mask. Her eyes narrowed at the long shallow cuts that covered his entire back.

"Lucky for you, none of these seems very deep; flesh wounds at most. I'm guessing your captain wouldn't allow you to just sleep it off."

A hum was the only response she received, causing her to laugh quietly. Movement caught her eye and distracted her from her current job.

The second man idly walked to her kitchen, clearly familiar with the small apartment. Rolling her eyes, Sakura started murmuring to her current companion.

"You are both so demanding. It's like you both view me as your own personal medic. You do realize there is this thing called a hospital. Sound it out with me: hos-pi-tal! See!"

The injured male slowly turned towards her, clearly giving her an exasperated look.

"We are Konoha's best team and we deserve the best. Plus, you're much faster than any hospital visit and your home smells a whole lot better."

"Plus, you have food," was heard faintly from the kitchen. The aroma of food wafted into the room and Sakura sighed loudly.

"Just because you're here almost as much as me doesn't mean you get to make yourself at home!" Sakura hollered, shoving the laughing man next to her.

Suddenly, the ANBU appeared in front of them and crouched to Sakura's eye level.

"You are exhausted Haruno-san and so are we. I will cook, we will eat, and then you can sleep after we leave."

The long-haired male stifled another laugh, trying to cover it up with a cough but Sakura did not miss it.

She huffed and muttered sourly, "You two should at least talk to me outside of ANBU secret healing requests at...ONE A.M.!" She accidentally shouted the last part and flopped back on the couch.

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