Chapter 6

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Am I the only one who thinks Sakura could have been SO MUCH BETTER?They did her dirty LOLBUT WHY DID SHISUI DIE SO EARLY?!Ugh.ANYWAY, enjoy the next chapter ;)I'll probably post once a week after this, unless I get too many comments to ignore LOL


Chapter 6

A while later, Hinata was outside with Neji while everyone was hiding inside. Sakura was somehow sandwiched between Kiba and Shisui behind the couch and the canine lover kept trying to bury his face in her hair.

Attempting to get away from him without giving away the party, Sakura edged closer and closer to Shisui until her entire right side was pressed against him.

Why does this always happen to me?! I either invade Shisui's space or deal with Kiba drooling on me!

When Kiba once again tried to cozy up to her, Shisui put his arm around her and smashed his face into the couch forcefully.

Simultaneously, Neji and Hinata walked into the living room and Sakura jumped away from the two men. When she did, her shoulder hit Shisui's arm, freeing Kiba's blood-red face.

Only Sakura noticed the two glaring at one another while everyone popped out of hiding to celebrate.

This is going to end in disaster. Why does Kiba have to be so touchy feely and why is Shisui reacting like this?!

After everyone congratulated Neji, Ino turned up the music and the party got started.

Sakura grabbed Ino and dragged her onto the open space that was the dance floor. She did not want to have to deal with any of the problems that were currently on her mind.

I'm literally going to pretend like nothing happened, that should solve...nothing!

Tenten quickly dragged Neji onto the floor and made him dance with her right as Shikamaru opened the door.

To everyone's delight, Kankurō and Temari entered and joined the celebration followed closely by Sai. Temari latched onto Shikamaru and forced him to dance with her.

This consisted of him taking his hands out of his pockets and putting them on her hips as she moved. As they danced his facial expression never changed from its normally bored look.

Sakura snickered and looked around, inadvertently finding Shisui standing against a wall socializing. As if feeling her gaze, he quickly shot her smirk and she whirled around, face ablaze. Ino ran off and grabbed Sai, leaving Sakura on her own.

Not an hour later, Naruto was screaming and waving his hands in the air to get everyone's attention and announced that it was time for the drinking games to begin.

Everyone gathered in the living room and sat in a circle. Itachi, Kakashi, Shisui, and Lee pulled up chairs behind the group to watch, instead of play.

Sasuke and Naruto handed out the sake and Kiba asked, "So, what game are we going to be playing? I vote for Never Have I Ever!"

Sakura rolled her eyes as everyone yelled their agreement and locked eyes with Kakashi. He laughed at her facial expression, remembering the last drunk story she told him involving this particular game.

Ino volunteered to start, "Never have I ever...had a crush on my teammate!" Sakura, Tenten, Kiba, and Naruto drank.

Sakura glared at her best friend and grinned wickedly, "MY TURN! Never have I ever literally mind-fucked someone!"

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