Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

She let out a throaty moan and arched her back off the deck as Shisui followed the strap of her bra down towards her breasts with his lips. Their eyes met and he let a slow, feral grin spread across his face in anticipation.

She shivered and tangled her fingers in his hair as he made his way slowly back up to her lips, eyes never leaving her face. They both froze when soft voices carried on the wind and Sakura found herself suddenly surrounded by a thick comforter.

"Did you just—" She was cut off by a low chuckle and lips claiming hers again.

He pulled away and whispered, "Of course I did. I would lose my damn mind if we were interrupted again. A man has only so much patience."

Sakura gave him a knowing look before hesitantly pushing on his shoulder to roll them over. He grinned before accommodating her and took her Obi off in one smooth motion. Her hands flew out to steady herself, landing on his toned chest.

A blush spread across her face as she realized she was now straddling him with her Kimono wide open, his eyes roaming over her exposed skin. Reaching up, he followed the trail of lace against her ribs until both hands were gripping her sides.

She swallowed thickly in nervousness and his eyes jumped off of her torso at the motion. He sat up with exaggerated slowness and took her hand, placing it on his Obi.

"I treasure you, Sakura. I don't take this lightly. I know the trust that comes with this type of vulnerability." The bluntness of his statement shocked her. A gentle smile spread across his face as she leaned her head on his shoulder, gaining control of her breathing.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous. I've never done anything like this and you're hot as hell."

His smoldering look made a blush light up her face and chest. "I could say the same about you. I don't think you realize how much you affect me - especially in lace." He gently moved a strand of hair out of her face and gave her a saucy wink.

"Now, just take off my Obi, Sakura. Stop teasing me and get on with it."

The authority in his tone was something she was familiar with whenever he acted as her captain. She peered into his eyes and relaxed at what she saw while tugging at the thick material. It came loose suddenly and she would have fallen sideways if Shisui's arms weren't caging her in.

He sat very still as she gently opened the front of his Yukata and his Sharingan caught every small emotion that darted across her face.

He sucked in a sharp breath as her delicate fingers brushed across his broad chest. He closed his eyes and let out a hum of anticipation as she grew bolder with her caresses. Her eyes darted up to his face when he leaned back against the headboard. She smiled before tweaking his nipple playfully. His eyes flew open and locked onto hers.

Bolting up so that they were chest-to-chest, Shisui threw his Yukata off in one swift motion, leaving him in his boxers. Leaning back slightly, he pushed her Kimono off her shoulders, fingers skimming the smooth skin teasingly and tossed it on top of his.

Sakura fidgeted slightly as he drank in her appearance and jumped when he placed his hands on her bare sides. Shisui let out a chuckle but didn't stop his exploration. A startled yelp came from Sakura as she was once again flipped onto her back with blinding speed.

"If the sex is anything like the foreplay, then I can definitely see why all the kunoichi drool over you." She slapped a hand over her mouth as he laughed so hard that the entire bed shook. "Oh crap, I said that out loud—"

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