Chapter 8

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Happy thanksgiving everyone!
I hope you use this time to rest and to think about what is important to you. ❤

Chapter 8

A few moments later Naruto and Kakashi appeared and kneeled next to Shisui.

"I have seen her like this once before when she was a Genin. Allow me to handle this," Kakashi lifted his forehead protector as he spoke and gently took Sakura's face in his hands.

He pulled her into a Genjutsu as Naruto paced anxiously. Shisui put a hand on Naruto's shoulder to stop him, eyes never leaving Sakura's face. Naruto glared at him accusingly, shoving his hand aggressively.

After what felt like an eternity, Sakura jerked forward and Kakashi stopped her from head-butting him with the hands around her face.

"Welcome back, Sakura-chan," he gently pushed her hair back as her eyes refocused. Shisui knelt down beside them and examined her face carefully. She buried her head in her hands and groaned.

"Hamaki-san ripped out a piece of my hair. I don't know what for but I didn't like the look in his eyes when he grabbed me."

Shisui uttering a loud curse made Sakura jerk her head up and stare at him as he stalked into her bedroom. A few moments later he came back composed and helped her sit on the couch.

"Sakura, my mission was to watch Hamaki and report his movements to the Hokage. I was under the impression that he had left the village today or else I would not have left you alone," the anger in his voice was apparent.

Sakura placed her hand on his shoulder, smiling up at him gently. "Shisui-san, don't beat yourself up. I should have been more careful. I let my guard down and that is not your fault," she sank into the couch as she spoke and almost fell asleep before she finished talking.

Shisui ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, looking guiltily at her tired form before speaking.

"Sakura, we need to report to the Hokage." As the two conversed, Naruto and Kakashi looked between them suspiciously.

Shisui teleported them into the Hokage's, keeping a firm hand on Sakura's arm. Itachi and Sasuke were already standing in the office. Tsunade took one look at the bags under Sakura's eyes and sighed, "Sit down before you fall down, Sakura. You look like hell."

She promptly fell on the floor and leaned against Shisui's legs. "Thank you. What are we going to do about Hamaki and do we know why he took my hair hostage?"

Sakura unconsciously rubbed her head as Tsunade sighed and closed her eyes. Her choice of words made Kakashi chuckle lightly and he bent down to pat her hair in a soothing manner.

"We will find him Sakura-san and figure out what he wants from you," said Itachi quietly before Tsunade could answer. The rest of the meeting passed by in a blur and Sakura fell asleep before it was completely finished. She stretched as she woke up and then paused in confusion.

I don't remember making it to a bed and I know these sheets aren't mine. Where the hell am I?

Sitting up cautiously, she surveyed her surroundings. The lavish decor and spacious room told her immediately that she was in a diplomatic chamber inside the Hokage Tower. Gathering her thoughts, she could faintly hear arguing outside of her room.

"What the hell were you thinking?! She was obviously overexerted when we found her. You knew she shouldn't have trained with Ibiki!"

"She is in ANBU now and needs the same training all the recruits go through. I can't give her special treatment." A small pause followed before the argument continued.

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