Chapter 13

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Sorry for having you all wait so long for this!
My entire family got covid and it was a DRAG!
Enjoy ;)


"A little bit of both, I guess," Sakura's words were barely audible but Shisui's highly trained ears heard every word. He smirked at her embarrassment and then carried her upstairs to the master bathroom.

"I'll spend what I want on you even if you protest that it's too much, so just forget about that. However, the issue of what we are is a lot easier to handle."

He sat her down on the toilet seat as he spoke. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back slightly. "Hold up. You don't get to make all the decisions here. If I say you're spending too much then you should respect that I don't like it." Her brow furrowed in agitation.

A knowing smirk adorned his face before he retorted whilst wrapping his fingers around her wrist gently.. "Are you telling me that if I buy you an expensive gift because I deem you worthy of such things and it brings me happiness, you'll tell me to take it back? You would return my gift and therefore deny my affections for you?"

"What the heck?! Is there no way for you to compromise here? How are we even supposed to have a relationship - if that's what you're wanting - if you can't meet me halfway?!"

"We'll wait to have that conversation later when you're better rested, as I said before. Now, do you need help bathing or should I just undress you and leave?" Sakura sat up ramrod straight and instinctively covered her chest with her arms while blushing up to her roots.

"I can handle undressing and bathing myself, thank you. And don't think this conversation is over just because you changed the subject." She tried to sound affronted but her voice ended up sounding breathy.

Shisui's smirk grew before he left and allowed Sakura to clean herself up. She struggled to get out of her top but managed to do so with a lot of grunting and small gasps of pain.

Sakura stared at the beautiful bathroom she was in. It was a private bath house with a walk in tub and a walk in shower.

Stupid egotistical Uchiha men. Thinking they can do whatever they want just because they have money and status... and looks ... and charm. DAMNIT! Ugh, when he puts it like that... UGH.

She quickly stripped off all of her other clothing and slowly walked to the massive tub. She eased into the steaming water and sank down as fast as possible. However, when the water hit her scar she let out a yelp of pain.

Shisui instantly appeared in the bathroom and stared at Sakura's now stiff back. "Sakura, are you alright?" She nodded and carefully turned her head to meet Shisui's appraising look.

"I'm fine, my wound is still very sensitive and I didn't think to take it slow. Thank you for your concern but you can leave now," Sakura sank deeper in the water but wasn't able to relax since Shisui was still there.

She turned her head again to see Shisui getting comfortable against a wall and thanked kami that the heat could be blamed for the flush on her face. "Shisui-san, what the hell are you doing?"

"I can't risk something else happening to you. It's my duty as your captain and host to protect you, especially right now with you being injured. It's best if I stay and make sure that you're safe." His voice was light but there was something off about his tone.

The tightness in his shoulders was visible and Sakura paused in confusion. Being curious and worried, she blatantly stared at him and tried to figure out what was bothering the man invading her privacy.

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