Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The sound of her harsh breathing made her captor laugh. He let her go suddenly and she whirled around with fire in her eyes.

She froze when she saw her would-be tormentor and he took advantage of her confusion by grabbing her bags. She sputtered furiously and ripped the bags back out of his hands, punching him in the arm so hard that he winced slightly.

"Good to see you too, Sakura. I was told by Tsunade that you were considering helping me with my work and I thought I would stop by," he eyed her chest comically and Sakura's eyebrow started twitching.


"Jiraiya-san, if you don't stop looking at me like that I WILL PUNCH YOU CLEAR ACROSS THE VILLAGE. Do you understand?" Sakura spoke that last part very sweetly and smiled at the old pervert angelically.

"Ahahahahaha, sorry Sakura," he scratched his head nervously as he eyed the pink-haired kunoichi.

"You really do remind me of Tsunade. It seems you not only trained with her but also have inherited her temper," they started walking up the stairs to her apartment as he spoke.

Nothing else was said until the duo entered Sakura's apartment and it was secured. They chatted idly about some of his travels while she put away her items and started the curry.

After they ate, they settled in her living room. Jiraiya was seated on the couch and Sakura pulled up one of her armchairs to sit on the other side of the coffee table.

"As you know, this is not just a friendly visit. I know you have your reasons for either joining or avoiding this task force. I've never been one to sugarcoat things so I'm here to help you make up your mind by giving you more information."

She nodded briskly before asking, "Should I pour some tea?" He looked at the clock behind her and nodded his head.

He crossed his arms and continued as they waited for the water to boil, "Orochimaru is a twisted individual but you know that from your own experiences with him. He has always used people for experiments but the most recent exploitations have been quite...horrendous."

Sakura stood as the teakettle whistled, "I went through the three files you have gathered on and I could not agree with you more. I've never liked the asshole, no offense."

She quickly looked at Jiraiya as she set the teacups down to gauge his reaction. It was no secret that Orochimaru was once a friend and comrade that Jiraiya wished he could save.

The normally jovial Sannin had a serious look on his face and Sakura winced slightly.

"If you join this task force, no one can guarantee your safety in any way. You would be an invaluable member to us but also to Orochimaru if he could capture you."

He rose to leave as he stated, "Many terrible things can happen to a kunoichi when they are captured; however, many terrible things happen to the people he experiments on. It is a matter of how much you want to help others and the Hidden Leaf Village."

He smiled as he left, knowing what her decision would be based on her character alone.

"Take care, Sakura. I'll be in touch."

Sakura cursed quietly as she washed the dishes after Jiraiya left.

At least he didn't stare at my boobs the whole time. Ugh, why did he have to be so convincing?! I have to help the task force. If I don't, I cannot really call myself a medic-nin. It's my duty to help those who are injured or sick, no matter their allegiance.

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