Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

All three of the Uchiha men had left Sakura in order to take care of their own business. She sighed in relief at finally having some alone time and pondered her current predicament.

Why can't I stay in my apartment and just have them check on me? Stupid Shishou trying to play matchmaker. I'm going to have to call her out. I understand that I am Orochimaru's target but I don't think he'll be coming after me anytime soon. Plus, who in their right mind would break into Konoha?

Itachi really kicked his butt, and I managed to poison him when we were fighting. Ugh, Naruto is going to freak out when he hears that I will be staying with Shisui.

On another note, I wonder if I'm the only one who felt like something was off. It almost seemed like we weren't really fighting Orochimaru. I know I've gotten stronger, but I don't think I could have held my own like that if he was truly serious.

She sighed again and gently massaged her aching head. Chakra exhaustion always gave her killer hangovers. Her eyes traveled to the fluffy black socks on her feet, blushing as she recalled Shisui gently putting them on for her right before he left.

His fingers had gently brushed her ankles and lingered long enough that an irritated Sasuke pulled him away, mumbling about her needing her rest.

Her door flew open with such force that Sakura braced herself for an attack. Her muscles spasmed dangerously and she suddenly understood why she couldn't be left alone.

"SAKURAAAA-CHAAAAAAAN! I HEARD YOU WERE INJURED! I'LL KILL THE TEME FOR NOT PROTECTING YOU!" Naruto wrapped his arms around Sakura's neck while streams of tears flowed down his face.

"Naruto...can't...breathe! It freaking hurts, baka!" He released her quickly and sat down by her bedside.

"SORRY,! What happened to you, Sakura-chan? Sasuke came by my house and told me that you could take visitors now so I came as quickly as I could." His knee bounced aggressively, showing just how nervous he was.

Sakura glared at Naruto while she took deep, calming breaths after he practically assaulted her. She winced, realizing her ribs were feeling just as crappy as her lower back.

"Naruto, I'm INJURED! You can't just grab me like that and expect it to be okay! You could have caused me more damage, idiot!" Naruto's grin at his best friend never faded and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I know Sakura-chan, but I was just really excited to see you. We both know baa-chan would still be in here if you weren't practically healed all the way," as he spoke he stood up and stared out the window.

Sakura fidgeted at the serious vibe Naruto was giving off before asking, "So... how was your week?"

Naruto turned around and looked at her skeptically before allowing his face to light up like a light bulb. "It was GREAT! I asked Hinata-chan on a date and it was amazing and we went and had ramen and she told me that she has always had a crush on me and I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!"

Sakura's eyes grew as large as saucers before she started laughing and crying at the same time.

Naruto, thinking she was in pain, hit the nurses' button and fretted over her. She pulled him into a bear hug.

"Naruto, it's about time you asked Hinata-chan on a date! She's been waiting for forever, literally! I'm so happy for you."

He smiled at her and gently wiped the tears off her face. Ino barged into the room before Naruto could take his hand away and gave the two a very strange look.

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