Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sakura looked at Shisui expectantly with her hands on her hips. The men were giving her a wary look after her short rant.

"Right. Well the plan of action is to reach Danzo's base by nightfall," he walked out of the blood splattered area and knelt down while pulling out a document.

"This is the information that was gathered on Danzo and his followers before he fled from the Leaf. This is a list of shinobi that were affiliated with him, their ranks, and special Jutsu if they have any. This is not a complete list so do not let your guard down. Sasuke, you will take point, Itachi and Sakura will be in the middle, and I will bring up the rear. Once inside, we will break into two teams consisting of Sasuke and Itachi, and Sakura and myself."

The scroll passed around as Shisui continued speaking. "Itachi, your team will be in charge of engaging and distracting the enemy. My team will be in charge of finding and capturing Danzo. Any questions?"

Sasuke shifted a moment before asking, "Why are you and Sakura on a team?"

Shisui gave him a long look. "When we find Danzo we need to keep him alive. Sakura is the only one that can do that. Danzo is mine to take down. Any more questions, little cousin?" Sasuke stiffened at the tone Shisui used.

Sakura knelt down beside Shisui and summoned her three scrolls, opening the third one.

"I have a few antidotes for the poisons that were used by Orochimaru before. I think you should each carry some for emergency purposes. So far all the poisons have had similar bases, so even if a new poison is used these should slow down the effects." Each of the men took 3 vials and placed them in their pouches.

They took off shortly after Sakura explained how to administer the antidotes.

"This is the main entrance that leads to the center of the base. Everything can be reached from here," Sasuke spoke quietly when they all squatted down behind a group of bushes.

"Danzo did not share the location of his office with the guy I questioned," Sasuke was cut off by Shisui.

"That's fine. I'll be able to locate his chakra signature. You two will go in before us and we'll wait for the signal. Only 10 minutes will be allowed so you'll have to move quickly," they nodded at Shisui's directions and disappeared.

"Sakura, this will be a fast paced hunt and you need to keep up. I have no doubt that the fight with Danzo will be tough, and I'll need you on standby. You will have to keep others from interfering and keep him alive after I'm done with him," as Shisui spoke he moved his mask to the side and used his other hand to move Sakura's aside, as well.

Her eyes were glittering with anticipation and a little bit of fear, "I understand, Taichou. I won't be a burden, that I can guarantee." Shisui nodded once and then replaced both of their masks.

A loud explosion was heard inside the compound and the duo lunged forward to start their part of the mission. Smoke filled the hallways, making it almost impossible to see anything but Sakura kept close to Shisui's fast moving back.

A water Jutsu separated the two as Sakura jumped backwards to dodge. Sasuke quickly cut the man down and she flashed across the opening to catch up. He whirled around to impale an attacker right behind her as she threw several senbon at a woman to his right. Both enemies fell and the two kept moving into a long hallway filled with doors.

As they moved deeper into the compound, fewer enemies attacked them but the ones that did attack were on a different level than the ninja at the entrance.

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