Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I'm glad he gave me a few moments to gather my thoughts. What the hell type of plan am I supposed to come up with in this short amount of time. Ugh! Come on brain, WORK!

The agitation was written all over her face as she paced the small area that they had moved to.

He wants me to fail. If I fail, then he gets to sit me out of the action. Stupid, overprotective Uchiha men. I bet Sasuke wants me to fail, too.

She looked up and glared at the two annoying men invading her thoughts. Both raised an eyebrow at her icy scowl and she whirled around before she could let out a scathing remark. She sat down facing a tree and put her face in her hands.

Itachi came and sat next to her while she thought. He was facing Sasuke and Shisui and started chuckling at the childishness of the entire team. When Sakura gave him a curious glance he gave her his full attention and pulled her into a Genjutsu.

Sakura was able to notice that they were sitting on a bench in the middle of a field before Itachi spoke.

"Since you look so adorably confused and my foolish little brother is on Shisui's team, I'll be on your team Sakura-san. Tell me a few of the ideas you have thought of."

After discussing a few plans that were quickly shot down by Itachi, Sakura grew more frustrated and started pacing in front of the bench.

"You are thinking about this the wrong way. Put yourself in Orochimaru's position. What would be the easiest way for him to get to you? What is his biggest threat and worry? He's cocky and underestimates our intellect. Use that to your advantage."

Sakura once again sat next to him as he finished speaking and then broke into a huge grin.

"I think I've got it! It's simple once you put it like that! The easiest plan would be for either all three of you to be incapacitated or for us all to be separated. We could make either look very convincing, but if we aren't close enough to his base then Kabuto might escape. It would be easier if we caught them both at the same time, and I might be able to collect some data."

Sakura rushed through her explanation and grabbed his hand in excitement. He chuckled and placed his other hand on her head.

"Very good. Make it more precise and then Shisui might consider it. Also, you're smart Sakura-san, don't allow a situation to make you forget your wisdom and shinobi training. Plus, there is no way we wouldn't find a way to help you if you need backup."

He released the Genjutsu and Sakura immediately pulled out a scroll to write her thoughts down. This time her face held a look of determination instead of frustration, and Itachi gave the other two men a smug look over her head.

Sasuke scowled darkly but Shisui chuckled and said, "Itachi you never did play fair when it came to winning. Is this going to turn into another competition?"

Itachi smirked and replied, "I happen to like Sakura-san as a person and watching her succeed pleases me. Not everything has to do with you two. However, if I can have a little fun while helping a comrade..." Sasuke face palmed, releasing a groan of frustration.

"All three of you are so full of testosterone and rivalry that I'm surprised you haven't come up with some inane competition." Sakura snorted as she wrote and all three men shared a look.

"Oh, now I put the idea in your heads! I REFUSE to be the referee! Don't try to prove anything on this mission either! If I have to explain something ridiculous to Tsunade, I'll dye all of your hair pink." She stood up as she finished her work and Sasuke started choking on the water he was drinking.

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