Chapter 14

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Enjoy the shenanigans! 


Chapter 14

Both men appeared in the field and immediately spotted Sakura. She was sitting directly in the middle of the training grounds with her legs crossed and her eyes closed. Itachi was leaning against a tree near her with a smirk on his face.

With a sigh he stood up straight and spoke. "This game isn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be. However, it isn't over yet." Naruto appeared from behind the tree and laughed at the sour look Sasuke was giving him.

"What the hell is the Dobe doing here Itachi-nii? He isn't a part of this." Sasuke glowered darkly while Naruto bristled at his tone.

"Shut up, Teme! I'm here to kick your ass, dattebayo!" Naruto thrust his fist into the air as he spoke and all three Uchihas eyed him.

"Naruto-san is here to help me make sure neither of you get Sakura. He's just a little insurance to keep you occupied, Otouto."

Shisui laughed at the obvious distraction and then he blurred out of existence, appearing behind Itachi. The two younger ninja stared, in awe of the raw power being displayed. Sasuke tensed and lurched towards Sakura in an effort to win but was immediately blocked by Naruto and his clones.


Sakura was berating herself for agreeing to Itachi's scheme. He had suggested that since they would be waiting for quite some time that Sakura should practice her Genjutsu against the Sharingan. What could go wrong?

I should have known better than to trust him with putting me under. He clearly likes to mess with people, and he knows there is no way for me to get out of this by myself! I'm going to kick his ass once someone gets me out of this!

The Genjutsu was simple but somehow Itachi made it feel very intimate. Sakura and Shisui were sitting on a bench by a massive pond. Shisui's arm was on the back of the bench and every once in a while his hand would graze her shoulder as they talked.

"I've really enjoyed you living with me Sakura, and I think it would be great if we made it permanent," he shifted closer to her so that his knee was pressed against hers and Sakura blushed deeply.

"I'm going to rip Itachi's head off for this one! He just loves to mess with people!" Sakura opened her mouth to yell at the Shisui in front of her but froze once she noticed his nose was grazing hers.

"I know you feel what I feel, Sakura. Don't pretend that you are unaffected by the chemistry we have," his other hand rested on her knee, and she tried to pull away from him.

The hand on her shoulder moved to the back of her neck and stopped her from retreating. His thumb lightly caressed the side of her neck for a moment before his fingers buried themselves in her hair.

"Embrace what you're feeling, stop fighting it. I'll take care of you. I'll catch you when you fall. I'll be gentle... at first." His lips grazed hers as he whispered his last words and then Sakura was ripped out of the Genjutsu so fast that her mind couldn't comprehend what was happening.

She was still sitting basically in the same position but now Naruto was in her lap groaning. He had accidentally undone the Genjutsu when Sasuke kicked him in the ribs and he landed in Sakura's lap. She blushed at least five different shades of red before she shoved Naruto off of her and concealed her face in her hands.

"Sakura-chan, I didn't hurt you did I?" Naruto's gentle question made everyone look at Sakura to see if she was physically alright. His hand fluttered over her injured side, not really touching any part of her.

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