Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Wait, I'm confused. You have a thing going with the gorgeous Shisui Uchiha, but you are about to go on a date with Sasuke, Shisui's younger cousin?! Oh, this is getting good! Your life is like a soap opera!"

Ino dragged Sakura into her bedroom while speaking at such a fast pace that Sakura's head was spinning.

"This love triangle could get really steamy! Knowing Shisui he would probably be in for a threesome... hmmmm, maybe not! Uchiha men tend to be a little possessive! Now that I think about it, I could definitely see them fighting for you! Have you and Shisui not talked about your relationship yet?"

Ino was pulling out clothes as fast as she was talking and Sakura plopped down on her bed.

"NO. Just give me a minute to breathe, pig! I didn't even agree to this date! I was just kind of pushed into it. I know I had feelings for Sasuke for a long time, but I've gotten over him and it feels nice to have him as a friend - a brother. I don't want this to ruin that. Since I stopped chasing him, he's actually accepted me as a friend and colleague. As to your Shisui question, no. We haven't talked about what we are yet, but he keeps saying he wants to! I like Shisui, and I don't want Sasuke to mess with my head and confuse me."

Sakura buried her face in her hands and let out a pained moan. Ino looked at her best friend and made a snap decision. "Wait here, forehead. I'll fix this for you!"


Sakura was not happy with how Ino decided to fix her situation. In fact, she was highly embarrassed and wanted to throw herself off of a cliff.

"Shisui-san, Sakura needs you to fix a problem for her, and I think you should take her back to your apartment to do that." Ino had brought Shisui into her room and was now standing next to the bed that held her blushing best friend.

Shisui walked up to the bed and knelt down to Sakura's face level. He looked into her eyes for a while before speaking quietly.

"What did Sasuke do?" His question only made Sakura that much more embarrassed and Ino snickered.

"He asked her on a date and she is SUPER confused now because you two haven't had the talk." Ino inspected her nails as Sakura jolted up and glared at her. Ino shrugged at her friend's glare and left the room.

"Ah, well I guess we'll have to rectify the situation then." Shisui abruptly picked up Sakura and teleported them into his living room. He sat them both on the sofa and then proceeded to take their shoes off and place them near the door. She noticed the bags under his eyes and instantly remembered how busy he'd been the past few days.

"Shisui, we don't have to do this right now. You're tired and you've been so busy—"

"No, we've been putting this talk off for too long, and I don't want there to be any more issues because of it. I told you on the last mission that my intentions were to court you and that is exactly what I plan to do."

Shisui's calm voice made Sakura relax some but she was still on edge. He ran his hand over his face and through his hair as he sat next to her, showing his exhaustion.

"Sakura, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? I know I'm a bit older than you, but I'll treat you well. I can't promise it will be perfect, but I will be yours and only yours." Shisui gently took her hand as he spoke, rubbing circles on her palm with his thumb.

She opened her mouth to reply when they were rudely interrupted by his door flying open and crashing against the wall. Her body jerked forward on high alert. Shisui dragged her back against his side before she could comprehend the action, barely registering their proximity before her attention was back on the intruder.

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