Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Tsunade assessed her student carefully. "Sakura, are you alright? You seem flustered." Sakura shut the doors and sat down in a chair. She broke out into a huge grin and started laughing giddily.

"Tsunade-sama, I think I'm having one of the best days of my life right now!" Tsunade smirked and pulled out a jar of sake and two glasses.

"Tell me all about it Sakura, I need a break from all this paperwork and legalities," Tsunade poured two glasses as Sakura pulled a chair close.

They downed the drinks and Tsunade asked cheekily, "Does your happiness have to do with the person who owns the shirt you are currently wearing?"

Sakura frowned and looked down at her shirt, panic quickly overtaking her features. "Oh, crap...This seriously breaks mission protocol, and I just walked through the entire village with his freaking shirt on. There is no way our superiors won't hear about this. I don't want the council on my back, and I definitely don't want anyone giving him any extra stress - his clan gives him plenty. What should I do?" Tsunade laughed loudly and downed another cup of sake.

"Sakura, you're living with the guy. If anyone asks, you just borrowed his shirt because it was what you wanted to wear. You know women can get away with that stuff. Besides, you're my apprentice, you're in ANBU, you're the best medic we have in Konoha besides myself, and... he wouldn't let anyone do anything about it." Tsunade raised a finger to stop Sakura from speaking and pulled another bottle of sake out.

"He knows you can take care of yourself, that much is a given. He would have never let you into ANBU otherwise. However, him being an Uchiha and a male won't allow him to not step in when you have a problem. Even if you prove you are capable, he will still deal with whatever the issue is on his own. That's just how Chichi is when it comes to people he cares about. Plus, he's too important for the ANBU captain to risk him leaving over something like this. No one will refute him."

Sakura huffed and downed a couple of shots. She was starting to feel the effects and looked over to see a slight blush on Tsunade's face from the liquor.

"You're right. The only ones who could really have any pull on his career are either in his clan or on your council. The council would come after me before they even approached him. I still hate the idea of someone protecting me. Frankly, it pisses me off and brings back all those useless memories."

Sakura paused for a moment and looked at Tsunade quizzically. "How well do you know Shisui and how the hell did he get that nickname?"

Tsunade chuckled and animatedly started telling Sakura the story whilst drinking cup after cup in quick succession.


Tsunade had a run in with Danzo's Root operatives - a common occurrence but this time was different. No communication was attempted.

"Fuck, these idiots just keep coming! Shizune, we're going to have to really fight to get away!"

Shizune nodded and wiped her wet hair from her face. Rain was pouring down all around them when they were cornered. Tsunade punched her way through several ninjas before she found one who could actually dodge her hits.

"Oh, you seem like you might be a little fun! I have to warn you, I haven't had any sake in a while so I'm GRUMPY." The words were almost lost when the ground was smashed in by her fists.

Shizune used the distraction to take out several operatives with her poisoned Senbon. "Lady Tsunade, we have to run! There are too many of them for us to win!"

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