Chapter 7

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Alright! Tell me, what's your fave Shisui/Sakura moment so far?! :)


Chapter 7

Before Sakura could find a reason not to go to the Uchiha District, her new team dragged her into the matriarch's home.

They flung their shoes off while Sakura took her time so she could mentally prepare herself to see Mikoto. She did not know why she was nervous and hoped it didn't show on her face but Sasuke was quick to point it out.

"Sakura, you've been here before and mother adores you. There is no need to be nervous."

She pushed him out of the entrance hall in annoyance and blushed at the inquisitive looks she was receiving.

Mikoto was quick to wave her spoon in front of all the boys' faces to warn them off from trying to taste the food before it was done. They laughed and made their way to the table.

When Mikoto saw Sakura, she beamed happily and pulled the younger woman into a tight hug.

"Sakura-chan, it has been too long since you last visited! Why haven't you come to see me? I've missed your beautiful personality."

Sakura laughed and fidgeted as all eyes turned to her, "I've just been really busy lately, Mikoto-san. The boys have been gone awhile and I figured..."

Mikoto frowned as Sakura's explanation died out. "You thought you couldn't come see me without Sasuke being here? Oh, don't be silly! We need some girl time without the men interfering."

Sasuke smirked as his mother turned around and Sakura childishly stuck her tongue out at him. She sat down next to Sasuke as lunch was served.

She nearly jumped when Shisui casually placed food on her plate, making her internally freak out. Outwardly, she quietly thanked him and dug in.

Mikoto's sharp gaze missed nothing.

When lunch was done Sakura was the first to say she needed to head out.

"Thank you for lunch, Mikoto-san. I have to go check with the Hokage about a few things," she stood up to leave but Mikoto quickly spoke.

"You must come and visit me more, Sakura-chan. However, I cannot let you walk to the Hokage's office alone," Sakura tried to protest but Mikoto wasn't having it.

"No, I insist that one of the boys take you."

"I'll take her, Mikoto-oba. I have a few errands to run anyway." Mikoto beamed as Shisui spoke up.

"Very well! Sakura-chan, tell me if he is anything less than a gentleman and I will handle it," she smiled sweetly, ignoring the grimaces around the table and let the two leave.

After they exited the Uchiha District, Shisui let out a sigh of relief, "I love Mikoto-oba but she can be scary. I don't think I would ever want to get on the wrong side of her!"

Sakura laughed with Shisui but was caught off guard by his next question.

"Haruno-san, what's the name of the guy you're going out with?"

Sakura blushed and quickly denied that it was a date, "It is NOT a date, Uchiha-san. He simply insisted that I allow him to take me out to lunch for thanks. I said no at first but he was persistent."

He nodded slowly and looked at her expectantly.

She huffed, "I can't tell you his name, patient confidentiality won't allow it. Why do you want to know anyway?"

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