Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Tsunade gave Sakura a curious look as the kunoichi sat down slowly in her chair. Sakura, however, did not notice since she was intensely focused on Shikamaru who was seated at the head of the table with his father. They were in a large, circular chamber with two windows facing Konoha and Sakura internally named off all the people who were in the room.

Obviously Shikamaru and Shikaku are leading the meeting. Kakashi is here, Team 1, Gaara and his entourage, Shishou and Shizune, Ibiki-sensei, Inoichi and Ino, Jiraiya, and the two council members... This is not good.

"As you all know, the Akatsuki have paid us a recent visit and made threats," as Shikaku spoke, all eyes quickly cut to Sakura and then back to him.

Great, now most of them are going to take this personally. I don't know if I should be happy or nervous.

Ino gave Sakura a wink and then turned back to Shikaku while Sakura pulled out a notebook and started writing things down. Next to her she had 3 scrolls from the previous meeting with Jiraiya already filled with information on the Akatsuki, how the village should respond and evacuate, and what the medic-nin were supposed to do.

I wonder if the traitor is in this room right now. The information that has been given out hasn't been shared with many people. That probably means that all of us are going to be given some sort of information as a test.

Sakura straightened up when Kakashi came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She had missed a good bit of the conversation while she was lost in thought. She cut her eyes to Shisui and was disappointed to see that he didn't even look her way. She refocused on Tsunade when she saw her expression change.

Tsunade stood up and looked around the room with unforgiving eyes. "Danzo has escaped! We are not sure exactly how, but we do know that it all happened about an hour ago. Surveillance does not show anyone coming or going from his cell."

Murmurs broke out across that table as everyone speculated what could have happened. Sakura took a surreptitious look at the various attendants around the room. She honed in on a short, plain woman who seemed to fidget more than the rest.

I don't think I've seen her around before. I can't be the only one to question her being here.

Before her mind could catch up with her action, Sakura made a hand motion that only Tsunade would comprehend. The Sanin focused on the signal and tensed slightly. Seeing as the room was filled with high level ninja, everyone immediately noticed and glanced between the Hokage and her apprentice.

Sakura stood slowly and strolled towards her. "Shishou, are we any closer to handling the lack of field medics?"

"I have not thought of any advancements nor have any of the others working on it," Tsunade visibly relaxed while Itachi and Sasuke tensed. "Have you had any success with this?"

Sakura hummed and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm not sure. I have a hunch about a new regiment we could try." The closer she got to the attendant the more the woman tensed.

Sakura paused next to Shisui who was standing three feet from Tsunade, she glanced up at him and communicated her suspicions with her eyes. His Sharingan activated, eyes darting to the suspected target and all hell broke loose in the room when a smoke bomb was detonated.

Sakura closed her eyes and held her breath as she listened to grunts and clanging of metal. Shisui pressed something into her hand and then disappeared. Her eyes snapped open when the windows in the room imploded. She didn't flinch as tiny cuts emerged on her arms and face.

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