Chapter 25

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Sorry for being MIA lol it's been a long couple of months! I hope you enjoy the update and, if you don't, this is a FANFICTION written quite some time ago. My style has changed and I am very aware of the gaps but I don't have time to write atm, so get over it lol BUT I LOVE ALL MY FAITHFUL READERS AND REVIEWERS, YA'LL ARE THE REAL MVPs


Fanfic SL Chp 25

Sakura stretched and plopped down on the ground, ignoring the tense men around her. She placed her hands behind her head and watched Seto smack around some of his subordinates savagely.

"What do you mean you LOST the scroll that contained all the data we've gathered so far?!" Seto was purple with rage and it took every ounce of control Sakura had not to laugh.

"I swear I had it when we left! I even remember checking my bag before we took off," the man was cowering under the larger man's terrifying gaze.

Sakura stood as the arguing escalated. She cleared her throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Orochimaru does not take failure lightly, if you come empty handed you will not survive his wrath."

She inspected her nails as a sense of dread fell upon the men. She glanced up with a nasty smirk, reveling in their fear. "I suggest you all split up and make sure the idiot didn't drop the invaluable information on our path from the hideout."

Sakura watched the men scramble back down the dirt road, forgetting to watch their backs. She walked a little further away from them, her mind formulating a plan to dispatch them quickly when Shisui suddenly dropped down in front of her. Sakura glared at him intensely, noticing that he was perspiring and panting heavily.

She crossed her arms and blandly asked, "Why are you here? Has something happened?"

Shisui slowly wiped the sweat from his neck, giving her body a slow once over. "I'm worried about you. Plus, I came to check on the status of the mission..."

Sakura huffed at how glaringly obvious his lie was. "You aren't supposed to mix emotions with work, you hammered that into my head. Plus, I could have given you my report when I got back like any other normal mission."

He flinched, noting the anger in her eyes. "The sooner I get the report, the better. Sakura... I fucked up and I don't know how to explain things just yet. Also, as your captain, you're my responsibility and I take that seriously. You shouldn't have been sent on a solo mission with such a target on your back."

Sakura rolled her eyes so hard that she became dizzy. "Exactly how am I your responsibility?! As your girlfriend or as your subordinate? Frankly, I'm not sure it matters anymore, you clearly don't understand how to keep your personal life separate from your professional life." She stomped her foot, causing the ground to tremble beneath them.

Shisui flash-stepped in front of her, red eyes spinning wildly. "What's the fucking difference? I try my best to keep the two separate but you make it absolutely impossible by being so damn distracting!"

Sakura raised a hand, clearly telling him not to come any closer. "As your girlfriend, you have my heart. As your subordinate, you have my obedience. THAT'S THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE! Damnit, Shisui! It shouldn't be this hard! Why can't you talk to me like a normal person would. A freaking note or a quick kiss would have made things so much easier! But no! You had to run and avoid me like a coward!"

Shisui's brows drew together, shoulders dropping. He cleared his throat and wet his lips while choosing his words carefully.

"I know how to fuck and fluster women, I'm good at that. I've never had to worry about emotions before. All the women before you wanted one of two things: to say that they've been with me or they want to know if the rumors are true. I've only ever worked out issues with Itachi and we fight it out. I'm not beating my girlfriend to a pulp, that's not a fucking option."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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