43 - Hostile Takeover

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Quirk reducing weaponry.

Quirk Stealing Villains.

Breaking a literal child and selling the remains.

What the actual fuck!?

"I don't know why you're shocked," Aizawa says after the meeting, "You of all people should know how horrible the world is."

I mean, he has a point.

"Dad," I defend myself, "I of all people should be allowed to go on the mission." He sighs.

"It doesn't work like that."

"I can't stay as a lookout forever!"

"You're a kid. No chance in going."

"Why not? I'm more experienced in this than anyone!" I exclaim, clenching my fists in frustration.

"You're too young to relive the trauma, Pandora." Dad lectures me sternly, "Your chance will come."

"You don't understand, Dad!" My eyes pool with tears, "I can't let anyone go through that again."

"It's not fair."

We all got the notification two days later.

"That's shit." Katsuki grumbles, playing with my hair.

"I don't give a shit about trauma, I just want to help Eri." I mumble, sprawling across Shouto's lap with a huff. The boys had kindly 'appeared' in my room, after I dragged them out of bed at three am to read the SMS message.

"How long until the mission?"

"Two days." I begrudgingly reply to Shouto.

"I can ask my-"

"Your Dad won't do shit, Icyhot." Katsuki cuts him off with a snort. I roll my eyes.

"There has to be a way." I complain, both of them chuckling at my incessant whining.

"I think I found something." Katsuki shows me his phone and I read the article quickly, scanning over statistics and reading the highlighted text.

'If another hero is medically cleared for work in an intense situation either physically or mentally, they should be fit for any role provided.'

"So I get a medical professional to back up my statement." I say doubtfully, "That's not going to work."

"Why not?" Katsuki demands.

"A psychologist wouldn't clear me, ever." I explain, "Because I'm a flight risk and a victim of severe abuse."

"Flight risk?" Shouto teases and I frown at him disapprovingly.

"Does our 'camping' trip ring a bell?" Katsuki interjects, smiling like a crocodile.

"Or any time I visit a hospital, for that matter." I mutter and they give me pitiful looks. I climb off both boys and trudge out of my room.

"Be nice, Dora." Shouto reminds me as I leave and my eyes roll so far into my skull that I might go blind. I stomp towards the teacher dorm, not hesitating to slam the door open loudly.

After negotiating for hours with Sir Nighteye, my Dads and Fatgum I'm allowed to go if there are rules.

And they were simple to follow.

1. I am to keep my headset on at all times, when an error occurs and I'm unable to be contacted I should make my way to the nearest exit and signal an officer.

2. An ankle cuff will be fitted to track my every movement, heartbeat and Quirk stability. I am required to wear it until the mission is complete.

3. Under no circumstance am I required to endure or practice any form of medical treatment unless my guardian is present.

Then, and only then, am I able to attend the mission as my alias; Control Freak, Manipulation Hero.

The sleek black headset along with new industrial leather boots complimented well with the brand new blue outfit. I felt like a new person, one that can change the world for better.

Izuku helped me design my costume on a random Friday night. I had a few doubts that I looked too much like a villain so I asked for his help. We used the same blue from Shouto's costume to design a top and pant piece with the fabric, along with a cute collar and belt in a brown leather. The black accessories compliment my strengths and the bright costume helps distract citizens from deformed skin and untamable hair.

It's a catastrophe, yet I am such as a person.

They're waiting as we enter. Deku helps Dad with the police as Red Riot, Fatgum and I all charge into the fort.

"We have reason to believe that you are manufacturing illegal substances! We have a warrant to search!"

I run alongside Fatgum, knowing the shortest route will get us go Eri.

A short man in a bid mask awaits us in the long grey-tiled hallways, standing perfectly still before dicing into the wall in a similar fashion to Mirio.

Then the fucking walls move.

I'm flung around like a doll before deciding the floating midair is safer than sticking to any surface.

"Midoriya!" I holler and he kicks the wall in, letting us move forward through the living maze. Stones fall and then I'm separated from Fatgum and Red Riot. I nod to Deku before mimicking Lemillion and following him.

If we're splitting up, don't do it alone.

We say nothing, just running until we find Eri. I use the chameleon technique that Toru taught me, becoming invisible as we step out to face Overhaul.

Eri is there to, pale and limp. Her eyes are glued to Mirio in an adoring fashion, whilst Overhaul's Guard is glaring in a less friendly way.

Overhaul's eyes bore over the spot where I should be standing before settling on Mirio.

Its a close fight. I don't interfere, waiting for the right moment.

"Nice Costume." I call out to Overhaul as he advances on the bleeding Mirio. I teleport to the other side of him and kick him deftly in the crotch before movjng onto higher areas. I can feel my hip crunching as the stone spike stabs into my side. Continuing, Miro and I manage to keep going and protect Eri. Blood runs a river red down my face as I'm flung unto the wall with a sickening crunch.


I struggle to stand up from the rubble, my legs not responding to my panicked commands, rather slipping under me and barely moving at all.

My hips scream in agony and my back arches in pain. I cast a silent shield around Eri, an invisible bubble no one can see.

Everything happens so fast.

My shelter wavers from Eri and Mirio can sense it. We both watch with fearful eyes as the bullet fires from the gun and only one of us can protect Eri. I can't even comprehend the bullet piercing his flesh, just how his figure; curled around Eri in a motherly way, is protective.

Everything is a blur from then on, but those few flickers of memory will never leave me.

Nighteye, unable to move from his position as a deer head mounted on the wall. His body bleeding dry against the pale stone walls, a symphony of crimson and cream.

Being lifter onto a yellow stretcher.

Aizawa. My Dad, cradling my face in his rough hands.

Tears and deafening screaming to the point of pure silence.




Pure, uncanny peace. The clouds of the warm beyond.

As the sun embraces me with warm arms, I'm safe.

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