Chapter 25 - Others like Me

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Sports festival. One of the most famous events starting UA High.
I planned to win it.
Sure I'm not trained, prepared, mentally ok, physically stable or flashy enough but I'm going to win.
After the hospital incident, things were pretty normal. I skipped school Friday - Spending the weekend training with Zawa and Mic. Even Echo helped. The stupid cat managed to stay alive for a week and a half without me feeding him. I wonder if Zawa fed him.....

The day of the festival. Only one emotion - nervous. My blood toxicity is low, and my strength high.
I will crush my classmates like a tin can. They will fight back, I'd hope. Or that shows they haven't learnt anything.
Except Kaminari. He doesn't learn anything, and we all know.
On my way into school, I got a few curious glances. Probably because my hair was shorter, showing all the scars.
Or because I was in uniform and today's the festival.
nOT eVEryTHInG iS aBOuT yOU y/N.
I giggle loudly - earning some weird looks. I know I'm hilarious  -  But they don't. Walking in, head held high, I manage to make my way to the classroom - to see everyone before it starts. As I walk in the chatter drops momentarily to only pick up  at a more alarming rate.
"Are you ok?"
"Are you on sweet pain meds?"
"Are you still injured?"
"Are you going to compete?"
I step back and laugh offhandedly, trying to get a word in sideways.
"Let Y/N speak - She can answer our questions in time." Iida commands the class, hands waving around.
Say something.
Even something dumb would be better than the real thing.
"The infection was from the knife wound - it caused some weird hallucinations." I explain, heads bobbing up and down - in the back Ochaco was grimacing uneasily.
"And yes, I'm ready to compete! I'm healthy and Strong." I smile, but then frown, glaring at the competition. I walk to my desk and start stretching. The room we are in is different.
It's the air. Tense. Everyone is ready to ruin relationships for their careers.
True. Better I can be as ruthless as possible.
I tentative finger taps my shoulder, and I spin around to see Midoriya.
"Hey-y-y, Y/N-N," a blush spreading across his cheeks, "I'm glad you're back-k-k" I smile at the freckled boy, feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
"Thanks Deku." I grin at him, "Goodluck today."
"You too," He smiles back, stumbling his way back to Ochacho.
That's when I was hit suddenly by a large pink thing.
"UM HELLO Y/N WHY DID I NOT GET ANY MESSAGES, HMM?" Mina demanded, Kiri standing behind the angry pinkette.
"I was sedated." I reply simply. She huffs and crosses her arms expectantly.
"You could, like, get sensei to message me..?" She trails off sadly, and I hug her.
She hugs me back and cries a little. Me being hospitalised must of thrown her off edge.
Yikes. But also good for today.
Kiri smiles, and I know he's not one to gush out a welcome back - he does it with his smiley eyes and whatnot.

I'm ready. I know that this festival is going to make me a hero. It will make me known, so I can help others.
Others like me.
If there even is any...

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