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Varón. The family that only had sons. Brave and Strong. Tall and Broad. Agents and Assassins. One of the richest and powerful family.

The current generation has four such men...

1. Alastair Varón(32): The eldest son, the next head of the Varón family. Blunt and righteous.

2. Gennady Varón(29): The second son, sharp shooter and sniper. Handsome playboy.

3. Gavril Varón(28): The third son, nerd and hacker.

And the last one..

4. Adrastus Varón(24): The fourth son, likes snapping necks and cracking bones. The shortest and skinniest of all the brothers.
The unlucky girl who has to pretend to be a boy. Yes, that unlucky girl is me.

I did a stupid thing a year ago which brought me to this situation. A thing I wish I can undo but I can't.


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One year ago...

"I HATE YOU FOR MAKING ME GO THROUGH THIS SHIT!" I throw my marksheet in the air, tears went down my cheeks as I scream and yelled at the sky. Probably at the God, that is if he existed.

I yelled about how not rich my family is, how I'm jealous of girls who can buy anything and everything they want, for the ugly body that had a lot of ache over face, chest and back, how my body is not like the Instagram models, how I'm weak and sensitive.

I was ready to jump off the roof of the fifth floor building which is my college. The bad grades really got on my last nerve.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE ME A BETTER LIFE!" I choke on my last words.

I'm ready to jump off when someone catches my hand. I'm pulled back and thrown down. I yelp as my elbows scrape and start to sting.

I look up at a figure who's probably a man, his black hoodie is covering his face.

"You think your life is hard?" The voice startles me, it's a girl. I scan her body again, long legs, well built, veryyy tall for a girl. Maybe his voice is like a girl's.

"Yes it is!" I exclaim and wipe my tears, he squats down so our faces are on the same level. His lips are pink, like he bit it too hard.

"I think so too, about my life." He says with a foreign accent, I hiccup softy.

"So you are here to die too?"

ADRASTUS | 18+ [Updating Soon]Where stories live. Discover now