Chapter 13

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I'm surprised by a text from Cheryl.

Cheryl: Hi.
Cheryl: How are you?

Adras: I'm great.
Adras: How are you?

Cheryl: Couldn't be better.
Cheryl: Btw, I heard your sister is here in NYC.

Adras: Yeah, she needed inspiration to write.

Lies, lies and more lies. Maybe I should consider writing a book, I have a lot of inspiring things to write.

Cheryl: I want to meet her :(


Adras: You should tell Professor, he's pretty close to her nowadays.

God, this is so bad. I'm playing with their feelings, it's making me feel like a piece of shit.

Cheryl: Ah, I guessed. Can you maybe give me her number?

Something doesn't feel right. I shouldn't let my guard, not when they are so dangerous.

Adras: I'll ask her and let you know.

Cheryl: Thanks.

I flop on the couch, I have a date with him today at the club. He said his friend and brother would be there as well, they are cool people, very open minded.

I don't wanna go, I shut my eyes and sigh looking at the ceiling. That man just messes with me in ways I can't explain, it's not just my body but also my mind. He gives me thoughts that make too much sense. It's scary.

I pick my phone to text Damiano.

Adriana: I want to go to the club for our second date.

Damiano: Sure.
Damiano: Be ready for some kink.

Adriana: I was born ready.

Adriana: I was born ready

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Putting my new pairs of flip flops I head out for the club. My nerves are on a rush again, it a thanks to the kinky date of mine.

I get off at the club, the bouncer let's me in without any check, I walk in and the familiar smell of leather greets me.

I walk up the stairs to the kinky area, it's packed with kinky people doing their kinky stuff, I drag myself shrugging the temptation to watch, I'd literally pay for watching, it's such a pump of adrenaline.

I clash into someone, I meet with a broad chest, I slowly trail my eyes up to the handsome face of Ambrose.

Ambrose Domínguez.

Age: 30

Height: 6'6

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