Chapter 20

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My heart beats louder with each step I take towards the Russo mansion from my car. The suitcase is held tightly in my fist, I didn't think twice before agreeing to be the one to be the middleman for the Varóns and the Russos.

All that matters is keeping what's mine safe, Adrastus is mine and I'll do everything possible to keep her safe. Alastair told me about the curse and by the pain they felt she got shot, thrice.

I stare at the two guards who lead me inside, the mansion is no joke. It's the same since hundred of years, as I've heard.

"Adrastus!" I call into the empty space and it echos, I try few more times but no use. She's probably locked up, it makes my anger levelup. I spot the devil in the living room who's smirking at my attempt, he stands as he sees me.

The guards move letting me shake hands with Trevor Russo. "The second son of Salvatore Pérez." He smirks like a wolf, my jaw clenches.

"It's David, Mr. Russo." I force my anger down.

"Trevor is fine. Have a seat." He says, I place the suitcase on the coffee table and sit on the couch.

"Were is she?" I can't stop myself, my professionalism is slipping through my fingers.

He laughs, "Don't worry, she's sleeping upstairs." He looks up and I'm tempted to run up and search for her. "Or probably crashing the room again. She's quite feisty." He clicks his tongue.

"She's Varón, she can kill." I warn him.

"Oh, I've witnessed that already." He says impressed. "She's trained very well."

"I want to see her." I order, he smirks and relaxes into the couch.

"Sure, but let's chat for a bit first?" He looks across his shoulder and a woman walks to us. "A tea for me and . ." He looks at me.

"I'm fine."

"Come on, we won't poison you." He teases. "Coffee with no sugar for Mr. Pérez." He orders for me, letting me know that he's already got all the minute information about me.

The woman walks away, I open the suitcase and hand him the papers. "We offer you a very good end of the rope, you'll regret if you let go." I say.

Trevor takes the paper, "Simpler words Pérez, I'm a simple man." He reads the paper, "And I'm quite curious about the offer the Varóns would make in exchange for their little princess."

The woman brings the drinks, I hesitate but take a sip. Trevor is relaxed back and totally into reading the paper, it would take him time. I look around glancing at the upper stairway, is she above there?

"You can go see her, she's probably done destroying the room." He says without looking at me. I quickly stand.

"Where is she?"

"The corner room on the first floor." He signals for a guard to follow me. I run upstairs and twist the knob but it's locked.

"Adras!" I bang on the door, the guard moves me and unlocks the door with a key. I open it and feel something blocking the way, my eyes fall on her. There's blood on her hands and she looks dazed.

She tries to stand but stumbles, I quickly catch her, my heart hurts for her. "Dave?" Her voice is weak, "Dave!" She throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. "It's really you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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