Chapter 19

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I turn to my side and feel something pulling on my left leg, I open my eyes and take in the red vintage room. I push the covers away, my leg is chained to the bed. My left hand is wrapped in band-aid, it hurts a little.

"You gotta be kidding me." I say and try to pull on it. I find an ankle monitor on my other leg. "Fucking great." I throw my hands in the air.

I grab the lamp and glass on the nightstand and throw it on the wall, "Anybody there!?" I yell. I pick and throw anything and everything I get my hands on.

The door opens and Trevor walks, "Well you look better." He looks around the room.

"Get this off me!" I angrily exclaim.

He crosses his arms against his chest and leans on the door frame. "Yeah?" He mocks.

"I need to use the toilet."

"And why should I trust you?" He asks.

"What can I possibly do? I don't have any weapon with me, and I'm too weak to fight." I say.

He walks closer and pulls out a key from his pocket and unlocks the chain, I wait till my leg is free then kick him with my other leg, he blocks it but I attack from the other side. He hits his head to the bed, I take the chance to run out.

I stop rapidly almost missing the stairs, I run down and am met with two men with their guns pointed at me. I charge at the skinny one, the other fires the gun, I punch the skinny guy and hold him hostage for the bullets, he takes two bullets for me and goes limp. I take the gun from him and throw him over the other man then shoot.

I injure them enough to back off.

I turn around and more men charge at me, I shoot four of them down taking two bullets to my arm and one to my leg.

Damiano, Trevor and Stephen come into vision. I point the gun at them stumbling back, the pain in my mid thigh spreads over my leg and my left hand has gone numb.

"I won't let you use me as a bait." I say, the dizziness is back. I place the gun over my temple.

"Calm down princess." Trevor raises his arm in surrender. "We won't hurt you."

I laugh, "But you will hurt my brothers. And I can't let that happen." I place my hand on the trigger.

"Go ahead." Stephen scoffs and earns a glare from Damiano. "I heard there was some curse." He says and I flinch.

The curse, I almost forgot about it. The pain I'm feeling, my brothers are feeling that too.

"No." I cry and hold my head, "They can't -" Someone launches at me and takes the gun away. My hands are held at my back and I struggle. It's Stephen.

"Lock her up. The Varóns must be almost here." Trevor orders.

I look up at him with wide eyes, "Who?" I ask, he smirks. "Please don't hurt them." I beg, my vision gets blur again.

"I won't princess." He says then looks at Stephen, I feel Stephen nod, he pushes me upstairs. I look at Damiano who looks away, my heart pulls again.

"I can't lift my leg." I tell Stephen, he rolls his eyes.

"Not my problem, get going." He gives me a push. I hiss and climb up, it feels like hell. He throws me inside and locks the door.

I drag myself to the bathroom and sit on the toilet, I find the first aid box. I pull the bullet from my thigh, then my arm, the excess bleeding makes me feel like puking. I rest my head back and take deep breaths.

I really hope my brothers don't feel this pain. They are strong men but me being the one to cause them pain makes me feel sick. I love them more than life itself.

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