Chapter 3

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"Seriously you're coming?" I sound way too excited, I'm literally jumping all over the place.

"Yeah, this weekend. But I have a condition."

"And that is?" I ask bitting my nail.

"You need to dress up like a girl."

"What!" I almost bit my finger. "Dad would kill me."

"It'll be our little secret, please."

"David it's stupid."

My heart is thumping in my chest and it's hard to breathe.

"Oh come on! No one will know. Only once. I won't ask for another time."

I chew on my lips considering it.

"You won't come if I say no?"

"Probably, I'd be less motivated to come." I can hear the teasing in his voice.

I sigh.

"Okay, I'll do it." I say and he exclaims a big happy YES.

"Then see you at the weekend, can't wait to see you."

"Yeah, me too." I say before he hangs up.

Well great now I have to buy a dress, makeup, shoes and a wig.

I search for them online, but if I pay for it through my cards dad would know. I have to cash some money first.

A message request pops up on my Instagram.

Kim__sy.7399: Hey there hot piece of meat🍆💦

Adras.thomas_: Hello Kimberly.

Kim__sy.7399: You coming for drinks right?

Adras.thomas_: Yeah.

Kim__sy.7399: See you at seven then.

I'm about to exit.

Kim__sy.7399: Daddy...🍑

I choke on my air, what the hell is wrong with this girl!

I exit the screen quickly before tossing my phone over my kitchen bar. It pings again and its an image this time.

I open it, it's a picture of her is just bra and panties. Girls got a nice body but I don't think I can fuck her. I mean Adrastus used to fuck girls so he can hold up his reputation as a man but I can't. I don't care.

Gennady is gay and he's proud of it and it's not like I'm actually gay but I'm gay to others as I'm pretending to be a guy.

I don't plan on meeting anyone other than Dave, I really really hope things work between us.

I shut my phone and walk to my bedroom, I search for some more clothes online.

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