Chapter 6

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Hot dress. Check.
Smoky makeup. Check.
Smooth hair. Check.
Sexy legs. Check.
Erotic lingerie. Check, Check, Check.

The amout of crazy nerves in my body are unexplainable. Dave is gonna fall on his knees.

The dress is like one of the party ones that reveals too much skin.

He sent a car to pick me to the club. He was very excited to go to the club saying I'd love it.

I step out of the cab and smile at the club, the smile drops as I read the familiar name.


I pull out my phone with a frown and call him.

"You reached?"

"Dave can't we pick a different club?"

"Why? You don't like it?" He sounds anxious. I bite my cheek thinking.

"No, I like it. Where are you?"

"Will be there in a minute." He hangs up and I stand there displeased reading the name over and over again hoping it'd turn to a different one.

I clench my purse and walk in, the boxer seems to have recognized me and let's me in without an ID check.

I walk in and take the reddish interior.

"Whiskey please." I order, the bartender quickly makes me my drink.

My eyes roam around, the smell of leather, sweat, expensive cologne and sex all over the place giving me a sexy feeling.

I see stairs at the corner, it must be the private sections.

Just as on cue, I see long legs in suited pants walk down. I trail my eyes over his legs, to his stomach, chest and stop on his face.

My breath hitches, like in novels he's right there with all his masculine glory. Our eyes meet, I look away at a lightning speed.

I turn my back to him, I hope he didn't see me.

"Please, please, please." I chant to myself. But some tiny part of me did want him to see me.

I'm startled by a hand on my bare shoulder, I flinch and turn around.

"Jesus, I didn't recognize you there for a moment." Dave says and my lips break into a grin before I can control it.

I get up and hug him, he pulls back and looks me from tip to toe again as if I'm some fallen angel.

"Adrastus it's really you right?" He asks and I smirk wrapping my arms around his neck tip toeing, I easily reach his height with this heels that are killing me.

"It's Adriana, Mr. Pérez."


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He groans, I want to jump on him already. He's wearing white shirt and black pants, tight enough to show his sexy thighs.

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