Chapter Three: Alone

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When mom took us home, she didn't even get out of the car, she just dropped us there and left. I didn't know if I should hate her or love her at that moment. I gestured him to come in as I opened the door and he gave me a shy smile, which I have to admit, almost made me melt. But I didn't. I needed to remind myself that even though I know him since a long time ago, we hadn't seen eachother in a long time, and were basically strangers. I dropped my backpack and told Seth to put his next to mine. I turned on the tv, and sat down, leaving some space for Seth to seat next to me. Yeah, I know, it may seem like i'm trying to get closer to him, but i'm just trying to be nice.

After changing the channel for the 6th time, I just got bored. Out of nowhere I took the courage to talk to him.
"do you wanna watch a movie?" my voice sounded weird and I felt like my stomach was twisting around.

"Yeah, sure" he said in a low voice, and smiled.

"Okay then I'll go change from this uncomfortable stuff, and i'll bring the movies, if you need anything the kitchen's over there and the bathroom is up stairs."

"okay." After that I went up stairs and into my bedroom, grabbed the first clothes I found and put a towel on so I could go to the bathroom to wash my face. But just as I opened the door, Seth was there, just standing there like and idiot in front of the bathroom door about to open it. I quickly turned around and went inside of my room.

"Oh god," I said to myself, as I dressed as fast as I could, grabbed the movies, and went downstairs.

"Hey, i'm sor-" "It's Okay, it wasn't your fault. It was mine." I sat next to him awkwardly and put the movie. We watched two movies before mom came back, Veronica with her.

"Hey guys" mom waved at us as she entered and let Veronica in. "Go wash your hands for dinner" she said and closed the door.

"Hey hun, hi Elizabeth, it's been a while." Veronica smiled at me, and I smiled back, and went to wash my hands. I went down and when I was about to sit down, Seth pulled the chair out for me, and that kind of made me smile. "Thanks" I told him in a low voice. While eating, mom and Veronica were talking about me and Seth. Veronica laughed really loud as she talked about out memories.

"Oh my god remember when they met? They were so cute!" she said and I couldn't help it but blush.

"I know! And when they made their love pact OH MY GOD!" My mom laughed while talking. "they were only five!" They both started laughing, and when I looked at Seth, his face was red, his head was down, and he looked at me with a shy smile. At that moment I couldn't help but smile.
When we finished eating, we went outside for a walk. We were silent until Seth talked for the first time in all night.
"I'm sorry, you know, about mom" he laughed, and his very laugh made me laugh.

"Yeah well i'm sorry about my mom" We both started laughing and continued walking. We talked for about 2 and a half hours until Veronica was leaving.

"So I guess I'll see you when they clean up the school?" He said with a wide smile, the first one I had seen of him ever since I saw him on the first day of school.

"Yeah, sure- hey, give me your number so we can text or something, while we go back to school." I was actually surprised I had said that.

"Oh yeah. here." He gave it to me and I gave him a quick hug and said goodbye, as he got in the car and left.

"So, you and Seth are getting along pretty well, just like when you were five." My mom always knew how to make me mad, she said I looked cute when I was.

"Yeah, even better than you think." I sarcastically answered back, making her eyes go wide, as she started laughing.
"Oh Really?"
"Yeah." I smirked. Mom opened the door and we went back inside. I took a shower, and put on some pajamas, grabbed my phone and jumped to my bed. I remembered about Seth's number, and decided to text him:

To: Seth Jones
Seth's phone:
From: Liz Lawrence
Liz: Hey.
Me: Hey!
Liz: Have a good night.😉😊
Me: You too😋😊 hope to see u soon.
Liz's phone:
From:Seth Jones
Seth: You too😋😊 hope to
see u soon.
Me: Thanks. Me too 😊
Seth: Good night 😄
Me: Good night👍😄
Seth: Night.
Me: Night😊
Seth: Okay enough haha😂
Me: Yeah 😂😂
I turned off my phone and went to sleep.
Hey! This is my fave🐘💚 I hope you liked it. pleae vote, and comment. Let me know!

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