Chapter Fifteen: Keeping a secret?

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"Just fine?" I asked, almost yelling.

"Liz, calm down, let me handle it." mom said, grabbing my hand.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST FINE?" she yelled, and I widened my eyes at her reaction.

"Mom." I said calmly, but she was still a little exalted.

"That's not what your face showed moments ago?!" She said, now calmed.

"Well, yes, but that's because I haven't finished. And that was not a worried face. It was more of an 'I thought so' face." the doctor informed, and I frowned.

"What do you mean you haven't finished?" I asked, still confused.

"Yeah, what do you mean?" Mom repeated.

"Well, I said she's just fine, because she is. What she has isn't a tragedy. It is in fact, a blessing, I'd say." he informed.

"Blessing? What do you?" I asked. God, this old man is getting on my nerves.

"Yes, mrs. Lawrence. Congratulations." he paused. "You're having a baby."


That word hit me hard. I was frozen. Panicked. I was afraid of looking at mom, I was afraid of looking at the doctor. I was afraid of even moving. I didn't regret a thing though. I would never regret something like this. The thought of having a baby was all over the place, and a feeling of extreme joy filled me. The only thing I managed to do was to put my hand over my stomach, and gently stroke it, knowing that this excitement wasn't going to last any longer.

I managed to look at mom, and she was the same or worst than I was. She wasn't moving, and she had a blank expression for a moment, before she turned around to face me.

"Baby?" She finally said, and the doctor nodded.

"Yes, indeed. Blood analysis never fail. Your daughter is pregnant." he said calmly, and she let out a small sigh, before allowing a small smile to invade her face.

"Elizabeth..." she became fully serious again, and looked back at me.

"I..." I had no words. This was it. This was going to be world war III. She was going to kill me, and then dad was going to kill me. And then they were going to kill Seth, and by the time they did, I would be dead twice.

"I'm too young to be a grandmother." she finished, before letting a tear drop fall down her cheek, a wide smile on her face.

"Mom." I hugged her, crying as well. I was so happy, but at the same time, I was scared. I was scared because I didn't know How I was going to tell him. What if he gets mad? What if he decides to leave me? And what about dad?

"It's okay honey. This things happen, and I'm not your dad, I mean, I AM surprised. I wasn't expecting this. At least not now, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy. Yes you're young. Way too young I'd say, but I won't judge you. I can't. I had you at 19. Yeah that's one year older than you but it doesn't matter. I'm here for you Elizabeth." She said, still crying tears of joy while we left the office.

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