Chapter Seven: Problems

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I woke up to Seth calling me.

"Look out the window." I could hear him laughing and I could tell he was planning something.

"Okay just give me a minute to get out of bed" I answered back with a sleepy voice. He woke me up at 5 am.

"Hurry! You're going to love this."

I got up and moved the curtain a little, to see him outside, next to his car with a wide smile and a giant bear.

As soon as he saw me he waved at me and I couldn't help it but smile.

"Elizabeth! ELIZABETH!!" My mom was yelling at me from downstairs and I felt like my head was going to explode.

"WHAT?" I yelled back at her and she opened the door to my bedroom

"Seth's outside. AT 5 AM. Don't you think it's a little too early?" She was looking at me , really serious.

"No?" I looked at her with a wide smile, and she crossed her arms.

"Whatever, move it or he leaves."

"I'm moving okay, chill." I saw her frown and I couldn't help but laugh.

I got dressed as fast as I could and went downstairs and opened the door. Seth was standing behind the door smiling.

"Hey, beautiful." he gave me a kiss, and handed me the bear.

"Just Friends, huh?" My mom yelled from the kitchen, and we both started laughing.

"Yeah, totally." I answered her comment, making her laugh really loud.

"Well we better get going, or we'll be late for school." Seth spoke for the first time.

"Yeah let's go. Bye mom."

"Bye you guys."

When we got to school, Seth went to park his car, and I went inside. When I was about to enter the cafeteria to order breakfast, a guy was going out, and I hit him.

"Sorry." I looked up, to see someone I hadn't seen before, but I have to admit it he didn't look that bad.

"Hey don't worry." he smiled at me.
"I'm Keven. And you are?" I stayed quiet for a little, until I realized I was taking too long to answer.

"Oh I'm Elizabeth" I smiled and shaked his hand.

"Nice to meet you Elizabeth." he smiled once again and that's when I felt someone standing behind me.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" Seth sounded a little jealous, and that was the cutest thing, but everything has a limit.

"Oh nothing it's just..-"

"Okay if there's nothing wrong then we can go inside?" He sounded really jealous now.

"Okay,.." I was a little pissed, I mean, he didn't have to be so rough.

We entered the cafeteria, ordered and took a seat. We ate our breakfast without saying a word, until Seth spoke up.

"Who was that guy?" He sounded ecstatic and I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"I don't know, I just met him." I answered back and drank my cofee.

"Well, he seemed to be very comfortable with you." Okay, I did not expect him to say that. At all. I was actually starting to get angry.

-"Are you serious?"

-"Very." at that moment I knew he wasn't kidding.

"Okay you know what? I have to go." I got up and he grabbed my hand.

"Don't go, i'm sorry it's just that.."

"We can talk in lunch break. I have to go to class."

I entered math class to see my best friend, Zoe, she moved here one month earlier than me, but we used to go to the same school, and her dad works with my mom. She was sitting on her desk waiting for me. Ever since Seth arrived, I kind of left her behind.

"Hey! Where have you been?- oh wait! I know where! With your new "best friend" did you have fun?" I could tell she was angry at me and she had all the rights to be.

"Zoe please, I'm not in the mood okay, I'm sorry, I just have so many stuff on my mind, and I can't seem to get them straight."

"Fine. Sorry." she threw her arms up, and I sat in front of her, put my stuff on my desk and turned around.

"You know I love you right? And you know That I have my moments?" I gave her a wide smile that made her anger leave.

"Yeah, I know." I hugged her, and turned around.

Talking with her made me calm down a little, but I was still mad at Seth and his jealousy. At lunch I stayed with Zoe, and Seth went with his friends, and wouldn't you know it, with Keven. I could see him from where I was sitting, and he could see me. I stared at him for a moment, until he saw me.

"That new guy is really hot, don't you think?" Zoe spoke up but I wasn't listening.

"Elizabeth" she pushed my arm. "Liz?"

"Huh?" She started laughing at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I said that new guy Keven is really hot, but of course you weren't listening, you were too busy watching your boyfriend."
Boyfriend. I actually didn't think about it
That way. I also didn't know how she found out.

"How do you know?" I asked her, waiting impatiently for her answer.

"Please, I know you since forever, how was I not going to know it?"

"Well yeah, you're right." I smiled at her. "You got me."

We stayed the rest of the lunch break talking, and the rest of the school day pretending we didn't care about Seth, or Keven. When the bell rang, Seth was waiting for me.

"Shall we?" He opened his arm for me to grab it, and I started laughing. No matter what he did, he could always fix it with his stupidites. I slowly walked to him, and gave him a side smile, before giving in to a bear hug, him planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm sorry, I just love you too much."
He rubbed my back and opened the door for me.

"It's okay, I get you." I kissed him and got inside.
He got inside and smiled really big.

"I, have another surprise for you."
He turned the car on, without wiping that smile from his face.

"Another one?"


"Can I have a hint?" I gave him a puppy face, thinking that would work.

"Just wait and see, just wait and see."
He drived out of school, and into the driveway, long ride, but it was worth it.

extra early update!
For my sister that begged me to upload this chapter😹

alonn121 ilysm 💖
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