Chapter Twenty: Twins

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"This may feel a little cold." The doctor smiled.

I just smiled and let him do his job. As he moved the thing around my stomach, I noticed that he was frowning.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, as I looked over to Seth, who was staring impatiently at the monitor. It's been five months since the whole thing with dad happened, and we decided to know the sex of the baby now.
Seth and I made a bet; if it was a boy, we'd name him Connor, like he proposed, because he knew I didn't like it that much. If it was a girl... Kelsey.

"No, everything's fine, it's just," he paused as he continued to look at the monitor.

"What?" Seth and I impatiently asked.

He just laughed, and stared at us before finishing. "Congratulations, you're having twins."

"WHAT?" We both yelled.

"Yes," the doctor laughed again. "and I'm not one hundred percent sure, but," he paused again, and moved the cold thing to another side of my stomach and nodded. "Yes, indeed, It's a boy and a girl."

Seth and I just stared at each other in shock, before bursting into laughter.

"I guess we both win." Seth

"Yeah, you see, we made a bet, but now we're having a boy AND a girl, so we both win, which means no one wins." I tried to explain to the doctor, and he just nodded and laughed, but I could tell he was still confused.

We talked for a while before leaving. We headed to my mom's house. We made a few stops on our way though.


We still have no news from dad, which is devastating my mom, and although I don't show it, it's destroying me too.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about dad."

"Hey, that's not good for you right now. Or for the baby- babies." He corrected himself. I smiled at his words, remembering there's not one but two lives inside of me.

"I know, but I just can't help it. It's been so long since I last saw him, and I feel like it's my fault that all of this is happening..."

"Liz," he paused, turning to look at me for a second before turning his gaze back to the road. "It was his decision to leave. He could've stayed and supported you, but he chose not to. It's not your fault. You told him. If you were someone else you could've just kept it hidden from him until you weren't able to hide it anymore."

"I know.." I took a deep breath and held his hand, wishing all of this would be just a dream, and that I will eventually wake up and my dad will still be with my mom and we would all just be happy. That's all I want. To be happy.


I knocked on the door and it immediately opened.

"Liz." mom's welcoming smile greeted me, as a tear fell down her face and she gave me a tight hug. Or at least tried. She was thinner than the last time I saw her, and I wasn't helping either.

"Sorry." I laughed. "This just keeps getting bigger and bigger."

"I know. Honey, you look beautiful! Where's Seth?"

"Oh, he's just taking some stuff out of the car to show you." I said, as I entered my once house and sat on the couch. "And also, we want to tell you something.


"Okay, everything's here." Seth entered the house with all the bags.
He put them down on the floor and said hi to mom before sitting next to me.

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