Chapter Eight: Happiness Ruined by Tragedy

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"We're here." He said in a low voice, trying to wake me up.

"We are?"
-"Yes, come on."
When I got out of the car, I saw a museum. I knew I had seen this place, but I couldn't remember when.
It looked old, and the walls looked faded. Seth grabbed my hand as we approached to the building, opening the door to the huge place.

"Why are we here?" I asked curiously, waiting for him to answer, but he just smiled.

"You'll see. Stay here, I'll be right back." We walked to what seemed like the front desk, and he talked to a lady working on the computer, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. After 2 minutes, he came back, grabbed my hand and took me to where the lady was standing.

"Babe, this Kelsey, my aunt." she smiled at me, before giving me a big hug.

"Hi, you must be Elizabeth." She waited for an answer, but My head was in the clouds, it was the first time he called me like that.

"Liz?" Seth looked at me, a little worried.

"Oh, yeah sorry, I was just looking at that, elephant? Nice to meet you, you can call me Liz." I gave her a smile, and she laughed.

"It's a half elephant, half Lion, with a monkey tail, so I guess yeah, in some part, elephant." she laughed again.

"Oh. Okay." We all laughed, and then Kelsey showed us the way.

"This way, we're almost there." She was taking us to the back part of the museum, which seemed to be closed because there was nobody there. She opened a door, that let us to a room, full of flowers, and statues. We came inside, but she stayed at the door.
"If there's anything you need, call me." she smiled and closed the door.

Seth showed me around, and then we took a seat on a big chair, that looked almost like a bed.

"This place is beautiful, why is it closed?" I asked him, and he smiled.

"Nobody came to this section, so they decide it to leave it closed, in fact they were thinking of making it an office, but my aunt convinced them not to." he stayed quiet, for a little, as if he remembered something.

"Well I'm glad they didn't I mean, this is amazing." I rested my head on his shoulder, and he kissed it.

"You don't remember it do you?"

I looked at him, confused. I knew I had been here before, but I didn't remember anything important that I couldn't forget.
"Remember what?"
He looked at me, before saying, "This is where we met."

That's when it hit me. That's why I knew I had been here. My mom and dad brought me here when I was a child, and that's where my mom met Veronica, where my dad met Ryan, and where I met him. Because of that day, my mom and his mom work together. Because of that day my dad and his dad became friends.

"Of course, no wonder I knew I had been here." I smiled a really big smile, and hugged him.

We stayed there for a few hours, talking about eachother, about the past, and what we loved about eachother. When it was about eight, the museum was closing, and we had to leave. I picked up my jacket and my phone, that I did not use at all, because I didn't want to. Seth knew how to keep me hooked on his conversations, unlike anyone else.

"We should get something to eat, are you hungry?" He grabbed my hand as we walked out of the museum, waving Kelsey goodbye.

"A little." He nodded, and opened the door to the car for me, as always. I got inside and he closed the door. I waited until he got inside, and started the car.

He waited a few seconds before driving out of the parking lot, into the driveway. We stopped at a cafeteria on the side of the road, and ordered some food. As we ate, we watched the news from a tv that was on the wall, on the side of the cafeteria. They were giving a reports about weather, when they interrupted, the cameras showing the base airport.

"Is that the base?" Seth's eyes widened, as he nodded.

News Reporter:
"We have interrupted the weather report to bring you the latest information about the soldiers who left the base last week, and were supposed to be back this afternoon, but still haven't."

My eyes couldn't leave the screen, my dad could be there, he could have been coming home today.

"That's where our dads work, isn't it? That's the base?" I looked at Seth and his eyes were fixated on the tv, not moving a little when I talked.

News Reporter:
"Workers at the base are trying to locate the plane, but say that there's no sign of it. They haven't gave us any details yet, but they suspect the plane might have gone missing."

My hands started shaking at the fact that my dad could be on that plane, and so could be Seth's. The news reporter said there were 68 soldiers on that plane, and they started mentioning them. Each name they said, I got more nervous. I grabbed Seth's hand and held it tight, taking him a few seconds to notice, holding it tighter.

"Aaron Lawrence.." Tears started falling down my cheek, and I started crying uncontrollably. Seth hugged me tight, but nothing could could comfort me.

They said a couple of names before they said 'Ryan Jones' and that's when Seth got up grabbed my hand and literally dragged me outside. I didn't know what to do, so I pulled my arm back and he let go, letting out a frustration sigh.

"We have to go we can't stay here, I have to go see mom and Diana."
He was screaming at me, only causing me to cry even more. I knew what he was going through, I was going through the same. I couldn't think of anything else, and at that moment I didn't pay attention when he said "Diana".

"I know what you mean, in case you've forgotten, MY DAD IS ALSO MISSING ON THAT PLANE, but that doesn't mean I'll treat you like shit because it's not your fault." I screamed back at him, and he shot back "Then stay here."

At that moment, I got so angry with him, and with everyone, that I walked past him as fast as I could, I was decided to get home walking, even if it took me 6 hours.

"What are you doing?" He came running behind me, and grabbed my arm.

"Let go!" I walked even faster, not giving a fuck if people were looking at us. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going home."

"Walking? Elizabeth please! You can't go walking, don't be ridiculous, let's go back to the car!" He was far behind me, so he had to scream.

"Who says I can't? I'm doing it aren't I? Go back to your car and leave me alone, you don't have to follow me." I screamed back, without stopping.

"Liz, please, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have talked to you like that, I know you're going through the same as me, I'm just worried.."

"Whatever Okay?! just leave it there!" I was so angry, more with myself than with Seth, I was acting stupid, but I couldn't help it. I crossed the road without looking, and there was green light. A car almost hit me, and I screamed at the guy, even though it was my fault.

"Why don't you watch where you're going?" I roared, and showing him the middle finger.

"Why don't you cross when you should? Look at the light moron!" The guy screamed, driving past me. I looked up to see the green light. I didn't care though, I just wanted to get home.

"Liz, wait!" Seth screamed, making me stop and turn around. Let me take you home, please, if you don't want to talk to me it's fine, but at least let me take you." He was looking at me with that cute face and I just couldn't say no.

"Fine... I'm sorry" I turned around and walked back to him.

"Hey, let's just forget about it, We're both just stressed and worried. Let's just go home with our moms." he gave me a little smile, and I smiled back, walking as fast as we could to the car. Seth drove as fast as he could, although it wasn't fast enough, I just wanted to get home. I stared at the dark sky, as the stars moved along with us, in what seemed like the longest ride of my life.
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