Chapter Eleven: An Important Day

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We arrived at home, all together because like I said before, they were spending the night once again. Now Zoe and Keven were staying too, so we had to find a way to all sleep together, since there's only one guest room. Mom opened the door and we all threw our stuff next to the couch, not intending in picking it up for the rest of the night. We were all tired, but had to shower, so we took turns. There are two bathrooms, so Diana took the one downstairs and my mom took the one upstairs. Veronica, Zoe and Keven stayed downstairs, and Seth and I went to my room. I jumped to my bed and he just laughed, and did the same.

"Ah, this is life." I looked at him, and he was looking at me, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

"It is." He looked away, as if he was thinking of something.

"What?" I questioned him, in a jokingly way.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about my dad.." he stared at the ceiling, not once looking at me. I grabbed his hand, and softly rubbed it, as a way to tell him that I understood, and that I was going through the same.

"I know, but tomorrow you'll see him, and I'll see my dad, and everything will be fine..." I tried to comfort him, although I was the same or even worse than him.

"Yeah, I know.." He smiled a little and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I was also thinking about how lucky I am to have you all to myself." he winked and when I was about to answer I got interrupted.

"This bathroom is availableeee" my mom yelled from the bathroom door and I yelled back at her.

"I'll gooo" I got up and grabbed my towel from behind the door. "you can stay here if you want.." I looked at him and he nodded in agreement.

"I'll be waiting for you." He gave me a smirk and a wink, and I rolled my eyes at him, while laughing.

I entered the bathroom, closed the door (but didn't lock it which was actually a bad decision) and put the towel on the towel hanger. I looked at myself in the mirror before sighing, and started to get undressed. The water was warm, in fact, hot, but I liked it that way. I relaxed under the contact of the water with my skin; I had forgotten how much I loved this.
As usual, I took forever to shower, but this time, I made my forever a little shorter, because he was here. I washed my hair, shaved my legs, and sang while I did. Yes, I sang. I love to sing, in the shower of course, and I wasn't giving that up because he was here. After I finished, I opened the curtain a little and moved my hand around the wall trying to find my towel, but it wasn't there. Instead, I found a note on the sink, mostly wet, but still legible.

"If you want your towel back, come and get it ;)"

I laughed and got mad at the same time. How did I NOT notice that he entered the bathroom and took my fucking towel? Anyways now I found myself looking everywhere for another towel, failing miserably. The towels were in my mom's laundry room. I thought of staying there until he gave up and brought it back, but I knew he wasn't going to do that. I then, decided to fuck it all, and put my shirt on, but since I was wet, it was see through, plus it wasn't long enough. I opened the door and looked both ways, to see Seth's head poking out my bedroom door, and as soon as he saw me, he started laughing and showed me the towel.

"Fuck you, seriously!" I cursed various times before finally stepping out of the bathroom, and pulling my shirt down as much as I could, ran to my room, but he locked the door.

"Seth! Open the door" I couldn't scream, because then everyone would hear me, so I had to beg him quietly.

He opened the door wide enough for me to see only one side of his face. "Okay, but only if you promise to not kill me. And you give me a kiss."

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