Chapter Twenty One: The Ending

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Omg guys...


I couldn't believe my eyes.

After all this time, he decided to come back. Just like that. I immediately opened the door and stood next to mom.

"You're not welcome here, Dad." I said coldly. The whole time, he just stared at me. I could tell he was sad, and angry at himself.

"Liz, you look beautiful."

I had to fight back the tears. I needed to stay strong in front of him. "Leave."

"Liz, please. Let me explain everything, I just--"

"Please dad. Don't make this any harder. Just leave." I whisper, feeling myself start to cry. A few moments later, Seth came down.

"Please give me a chance." Dad cried.

"What's going on?" He asked, but answered his own question once he saw Dad.

"You can come later. Maybe then." I finished.

"Aaron. Please leave." Mom begged. Dad nodded, looking down.

As much as this broke my heart into a million pieces, it was the right thing. He hurt Mom's feelings, he hurt me. I don't know if mom will ever go back with him. All I know is that nothing will ever be the same.

He left, and we all went back inside. Mom was crying her eyes out, and I was just standing in a corner, trying my best not to break down.

I miss him, but I can't just forgive him.

After a few minutes, we all went back to our rooms. I waited until Mom was completely asleep, and then I went to mine. Seth was already asleep, and I wasn't surprised if I'm honest. I wish I could be like that.

I didn't get any sleep after that. I stayed awake all night. Thinking about everything, and hoping I would never have to go through what mom is going right now.


(Skipping to after she gives birth omg sorry.)


Mom's eyes were brighter than usual as she held Connor in her arms. She seemed so happy.

Things with her and Dad were still not completely fixed, but they were talking again. Maybe everything could work out after all.

I let him come visit me and the twins, because after all, he is my dad.

Seth walked in with Chloe in his arms. He sat next to me, but refused to let me carry her.

"She's mine." He laughed as he hugged her, moving her away from me.

Oh, we'll see about that.

Mom handed me Connor, and I have to say, this is the best feeling in the world. I never thought being a mother would feel like this.

I'm actually proud of being a young mom.

Things worked out for me and Seth and we were able to buy a house, not so far from Mom's. We own a dog now. It was my idea. Seth hates it.

I win.

And as for Zoe and Kevin...

They got married. Who knew, huh?

I just hope I become an aunt soon. *Wink wink.*

Seth and I haven't talked about getting married actually. It has never crossed our minds I guess. It doesn't matter though. We couldn't be happier.

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