Chapter Thirteen: Keeping A Distance, But Not For Long

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It's been three months since we told dad, and he came home 3 weeks ago. Ever since then, Seth and I have been a little disconnected. We only text each other a few times a day, and I haven't seen him outside of school since three days after dad came home. I guess having our dads with us is making us forget about ourselves. I needed to talk to him in person, I wanted to spend time with him, and no one else, but I also wanted to be with my dad as much as I could, because I was pretty sure that as soon as he was fully recovered he was going to leave. He seemed very happy to be with us though, and that gave me hope. Maybe he would stay. Maybe.

"Hey, Liz." he called, and I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.

"What?" I smiled at him as I sat next to mom.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast with us?" He asked, and I nodded in disagreement.

"Um, no thanks, I'm not hungry." I replied, as I served myself some orange juice.

My dad just sighed, and stopped eating.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Are you having problems with something? With Seth?" my mom asked, and I sighed before responding.

"No, It's just that, I never spend time with him anymore, our relationship is based on texts and a few minutes that we spend together in the hallway before each class. We're distant, and I feel like if we stay that way, this might come to an end. And I don't want it to end." I tried to smile, but instead I ended up crying.

"Oh honey, but it doesn't have to be that way, you can always call him, tell him to come over some time. He could come with Veronica and Ryan, and we could have a family dinner or something like that." She grabbed my hand, and smiled.

"Really?" I looked at her and then at dad, waiting for his approval.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Dad commented. "In fact, why don't you invite him today?"

"I will! Thank you so much, I'll go call him right now!" I got up from the table and ran up to my room to get my phone.

I called him, but he didn't answer. I tried several times, but had no luck. I eventually gave up and threw my phone on the night stand. I sat on my bed, and just stayed there, looking at the floor, trying my best not to cry again. Just then, mom opened the door.

"So? What did he say?" And that was it. As soon as she said that I immediately started crying quietly, and she sat next to me.

"Oh, Liz, it's okay, I'm sure he's just busy or something." she tried to comfort me, but it was useless.

We talked for a few minutes until I fell asleep like a little girl when her mom tells her a story, and she left the room and went downstairs.

Downsatairs, mom's phone rang.

"Hello?" She answered, and wouldn't you know it, it was Seth.

"Hi Mrs. Lawrence." he replied. "I need you to make me a favor."

"A favor?" She asked confused, and when he did tell her what the favor was, she smiled.

"Of course I can. I'll see you at six then?" She finished.

"Yes. Thank you." he finally hung up, and mom went to talk to dad.


I woke up around five thirty, and went downstairs.

"Well, look who's up." Dad greeted, and I laughed.

"Great. Just in time." mom spoke up, and I frowned at her comment.

"In time for what?" I asked, and she looked at dad and smiled.

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