Chapter Fourteen: Sick?

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It was 7:00am, and I was still staring at the ceiling. That dream had scared the shit out of me, mostly because all my dreams meant something, most of the time exactly what the dream was. When I dreamt about Seth the first night I spent in San Fransisco, I ended up meeting him again the next day.

"Liz?" Mom opened the door and I quickly brushed away the thought and got up.

"Yes?" I answered, trying to hide the fact that I had not slept at all because I had a dream that.. whatever, but she noticed I was strange anyways.

"Is.. something wrong sweetie?" She asked with a concerned look, but I shook my head no.
"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, totally, what is it?" She sat down next to me and smiled.

"Oh, nothing, your dad was just wondering if you'd like to go see a movie tonight with us. You can invite Seth." she asked, and smiled.

"I'd have to ask him, I don't know if he has any plans with his parents or something."

"Well, ask him, and tell us." She smiled and left the room.
I grabbed my phone and texted
him, not receiving any reply. I went downstairs and sat next to mom, who had already served breakfast.

"So? What did he say?" She asked.

"Nothing." Was my response, as I looked at her, confused look on her face.

"Nothing? Like, no?"

"No, he just didn't reply." I answered without looking away from the plate.

"Oh." she finished, and dad spoke up.

"You seem a little upset by that, correct me if i'm wrong?" He asked.

"No, i'm fine. I'm not upset. Why would I be?" I answered, getting angrier with every word I said.

"Really? Are you sure, because...?" He asked again.

"Yeah, dad. I'm sure." Now being extremely angry for no reason, I got up from my chair and headed upstairs.

"Liz, there's no need for this. I just asked something." He yelled, but I continued my way to the stairs.

"Yeah whatever dad." I ran to my room and locked the door, letting myself fall to my bed as I cried for no reason. At that moment, I thought I was angry at him for not replying, but then, every wrong thing in my life came to my mind, making me more upset. This was typical in me, I started crying for one thing, and ended up crying for everything else that comes to my mind.

"Liz?" I heard a knock on the door, followed by someone calling out my name.

"Leave me alone." I yelled as I turned around and threw a pillow to the door as if I was actually going to hit the person behind it.

"Liz, it's me, Seth." when he said Seth, I stopped crying and got up to open the door, but immediately stopped.

"So you can't answer a text, but you can just arrive at my house, knock on my door and think that I'll open and greet you like nothing happened?" I yelled through the door, but didn't receive any reply for a few seconds.

"And, what exactly, happened...? Because I thought everything was just fine....?"

I became extremely confused when he said that, and opened the door when I realized I was being stupid and mean for nothing.

"I'm sorry, I'm just, I don't know." he hugged me and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"It's okay, don't worry, I get it." he laughed, and hugged me once again. "So, what movie are we watching?" He smirked, making me want to punch him in the face, but at the same time, making me melt.

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