Chapter Five: Date.?

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It's been two months since my dad and Seth's came. Ever since then, I've been more attached to him, I don't know why, but I can't help it.
I just feel like he understands me, I mean he IS going through the same situation as me, and he knows exactly what I feel.

"Today, we plan to go to the movies, and then to get ice cream."
I told mom from upstairs while I got dressed to go.

"Oh, really? and you don't invite?" I could hear her from the kitchen laughing. I rolled my eyes and continued to fix my hair.

"Sorry, invitation only admits one person." I told her going down the stairs and looked at her with my victory face, making her cross her arms and turn around.

"Fine." We both started laughing, and then there was a knock on the door.

"It's probably Seth." I went to open the door, and I was right. He came at 7:00pm, just like he said he would. How punctual.

"Oh look! It is him!" My mom jokingly gave me a fake surprise face and I gave her a death one.

"Hi Seth. It's nice to see you, again."

"Mom" I gave her another death look. and she threw her hands up.

"I was joking." She started laughing, and I looked down in someway relieved. I know it's been two months, and my mom and I know Seth since we were five, but I still want her to be nice with him, I don't know, I guess I don't want him to get scared and run away, which is stupid because he knows how my mom likes to joke around, but I don't care.

"It's okay." Seth spoke up for the first time. "Hey Mrs. Lawrence."

"Awh c'mon Seth, Catherine, just Catherine, don't make me feel older than I already am." Mom made a sad face and started to laugh.

"Sorry, wasn't my intention." he laughed and looked at me. "We better get going, or we'll miss the movie."

"Yeah, let's go." I gave him a little smile, but mom still noticed.

"Aww you two are so cute. Have fun guys!" Se waved us goodbye and closed the door.

When I was about to open the car door to get inside, Seth opened it for me, which I have to admit, was just too cute.


"No problem." he smiled and closed the door. He got inside, put on his seat belt, and turned on the car.
We didn't talk at all in the car. It was completely stupid, but I guess we were both nervous, which is more stupid because we're just friends, and this isn't our first time going out. We have hung out several times before, but with our moms, since it was the only time we got to hang out. This was the very first time we were completely alone, well, except for that time, but that doesn't count.

"Can I turn on the radio?" He spoke for the first time since we got inside the car.

"Yeah sure, it's your car" I laughed at how cute he was asking me that, and he laughed too.


We just heard music until we arrived at the movie theater. He once again opened the door for me, and gave me his hand so I could get out. Since it was a Saturday, it was completely crowded, and at that moment everyone was looking at him. I guess they've never seen a gentleman.
Seth was going to buy the tickets, and I was standing behind him, with my arm on his shoulder. Once he bought them, we went inside and headed to the upper seats. Seth pulled out his phone and looked at me.

"Pic time!" He said, loud enough for some girls two seats in front of us to hear him.

"No. You know I hate pictures."

"Awh please just one! We need something to remember our first date!" He realised what he said and blushed. I had never seen him like that, but I liked it.

"What's wrong?" I laughed "It's okay, you can call it a date, if you want." I winked at him, causing him to laugh in relief. I was actually okay with that. I know I said we were just friends, but I really liked him, and by what I just saw, I think he liked me too.

"So? Aren't you going to take the pic?" I gave him a wide smile, and he laughed.

"Yay! I win!" He said in a child voice, causing me to laugh.

He opened the camera, and made a goofy face. Once he took the pic, he sent it to me, and I put it as my lockscreen.
When the movie started, I couldn't concentrate. I was too nervous and I knew he was too because he didn't stop moving. After thirty minutes, I couldn't help it.
""Hey I"" we both talked at the same time, causing us to laugh too loud.

"Shhh" everyone was looking at us, so we both looked down and started to laugh even more, this time keeping it to ourselves.

I moved my hand over to where the soda was, just to find Seth's hand. I quickly tried to move it back, but he grabbed it. He looked at me and smiled, and so I did. We stayed the rest of the movie like that.

When we went to get ice cream, we could barely eat it, for we couldn't stop laughing.

"I don't think that's a way to say sorry" He laughed, causing him to drop his ice cream, so we both ate from mine. We walked around talking about stupid stuff, until it got late, and we had to go back home.

"So i'll see you on monday?" He smiled at me, and I nodded in agreement.

We were in an awkward moment right there, neither of us knew what to do. After like 5 seconds, I just couldn't help it. He was looking down, he let out a sigh, and when he looked back to me, I kissed him. It happened so fast that couldn't believe it. after 39 seconds of complete silence, I quickly regretted what happened, and when I was about to open the door to get out, he pulled me back and kissed me.
I smiled at him and opened the door as fast as I could and got out.

"Bye!" I waved at him and for a moment he didn't move, and then he waved back.

He drove away, and I opened the door to my house to find my mom on the couch.

"Hey Liz, how was the date with Seth?" She winked and I knew he saw us outside.

I simply raised my eyebrows as a way to tell her it was good and ran up to my room. I could hear her laughing, so I told her to shut up.

"Okay i'll shut up! But just admit it! You guys are way too cute"

"Mom! Stop." I closed the door, changed, threw myself to my bed and just stared at the ceiling, not being able to explain what just happened. I thought about texting him, but I put my phone on the table next to my bed, and just stayed there until I fell asleep.
WELL? 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
I am in love😭 this is just too cute. I feel like Liz's mom😂

Anyways let me know what you think!🐻💚

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