Chapter Twelve: Acceptance

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The hospital room was quiet. So quiet that I could only hear my heavy breathing, and the beeping of the machines. I couldn't stand the silence, so I decided to speak up.

"Um, So dad, this is Seth. What am I doing you know who he is!" I was so nervous that I had no idea what I was saying. "What I mean is that.. Seth, him, and I.. I want you to, I mean, ugh." I let out a sigh of frustration and sat once again.

"What she's trying to say is that, she and I, I mean Me and Her, are currently, well." Seth tried to help, but he failed miserably. We both looked at my mom, and she rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, why me?" She joked, and sat on the bed next to my dad. "What they're trying to say is that they have been, you know," she paused. "Wow, this is actually harder than I thought and it's not even about me" she laughed, and my dad tried to once again. "No, stay down, I know what I have to say." My mom helped him get more comfortable, and she continued. "They, they have a relationship Aaron. God that was hard to get out." she finally said it, and my heart felt almost as if I had gotten a heart attack. I looked at Seth and he was so tensed up that for a moment I thought he wasn't breathing.

After what seemed like three minutes of awkward silence, I took the courage to speak. "Well?" I was breathing heavier every second, and I could see my dad trying to calm down so we wouldn't notice he was a little angry. Well, not angry, he was just, in some way, jealous. I was his only child, his princess, I knew he didn't want to share me, and I knew that having a boyfriend was a really big step, and that I should've told him way before, but I was afraid.

"Oh." he finally spoke up, and I let out a sigh of relief at his reaction. I thought he was actually going to explode and kill Seth and send me to a tower in the middle of nowhere. I know, way too Disney Princess.
"Um, I actually don't know what to say. Um, well, I guess I'm glad it's you and not some other idiot?" I laughed way too hard at that comment, I was just too nervous, and I guess we all were because Seth and my Mom started laughing too.

"Well thanks." Seth replied, still laughing.

"Oh, don't take it in a wrong way, I mean, I said that, because, I mean, you're Ryan's kid, I'm sure he raised you right." Dad sighed somewhat relieved, maybe because he was afraid he might had scared him.

"Well, my dad taught me what he had to, so" Seth's comment made my parents laugh, and me as well. "And he did it pretty well." He laughed, and I noticed my dad seemed happy. My mom was also happy, they were laughing and she was rubbing his back. Seeing them like that made me happy because I knew I made the right decision.

In that case, I don't see why I shouldn't accept this relationship!" My mom started celebrating and Went to hug dad and gave him like a million kisses from how happy I was. "Speaking of which, how is your dad?" My dad asked, and Seth replied with a "Better." followed by an "oh" from my dad. I grabbed Seth's hand and held it tight, as he smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey, hey, if you're going to be all cute do it somewhere I can't see you, it's too painful." my dad joked, and my mom playfully pushed him.

"Ha,ha" I gave him a fake laugh and went to hug him. Just then my phone rang. "Um, I'll be right back, Zoe's calling me." I went outside the room and Seth stayed with them.

"Hey, Liz." her voice filled my ears and I smiled to myself. She was the only friend I had, and lately we've been a little apart from each other.

"Hey, what's up?" I replied, as I rested my back on the wall, next to the door.

"Not much over here. Just hanging out with the guys.. I was just calling to know how your dad was, and Seth's." I smiled a little when she said "guys", because I knew exactly who she meant.

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