Chapter Nineteen: Things Get Worse

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"Yeah, why not?" I asked with a frown on my face.

"Kelsey." he repeated, a flat look on his face.

"Yes," I rolled my eyes at him.
"What I said."

"Come on, that name is," he paused, and stared at the empty space between us.

"What? Ugly?" I asked, giving him a flat look back.

"No, no, that's not what I meant." he chuckled. "I just think that, I don't know." he shook his head, letting a sigh escape his mouth.
"Anyway, Kelsey, yeah, we'll talk about it later. Now if it's a boy, I want Jonah."

"Jonah." I repeated. "It's not that bad."

"What about Connor?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air.

"Hm, I actually like Connor." I smiled, earning a smile back from him.

"Okay, so it's between Jonah and Connor. Now for the girl...." he looked down.

"What? Kelsey has competition?" I asked, letting out a small laugh.

"Um, I don't know, I was thinking maybe, Jane, or Jade.." he honestly replied.

"Jane or Jade..."

"Yeah, I kinda like those names."

I sighed. "Okay, okay. So if it's a boy, we have Jonah, or Connor. If it's a girl, Kelsey," he groaned at the moment I mentioned the name, making me laugh.
"Kelsey," I repeated.
"Jane, or Jade." I finished.

"Okay then, we'll see. We just have to wait." He said, softly hugging me from behind, and placing his hands on my belly.

"I don't even have three months of pregnancy, and we're already picking out names." I chuckled.

"I guess after all, we're actually excited about becoming parents, doesn't matter how many problems we're facing." He shrugged.

I smiled at his comment. I never thought a boy could think that way. Ever.

I always thought boys were horrified of the idea of becoming parents. More at this age, but Seth wasn't like any other boy. He stood by my side, and never left me when I needed him.
He was actually happy about having a baby. He even had our future with our baby planned out.
It made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

But I knew this happiness wasn't going to last forever.
Tomorrow, after one month of leaving home, I will visit mom, which means I'll also be visiting dad.
I don't know if it's a good idea, but I promised her I was going to see her, and she wasn't the one who almost killed me or Seth when she found out.

"Everything will be fine." Seth reassured, resting his head on my shoulder as we enjoyed the view of the ocean. It was my choice to come here, and he didn't fight it. The feeling of the warm wind softly straddling my face made me feel calm, like everything indeed was going to be fine.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Seth asked, grabbing my hand with one of his, and using the other one to open the door.

We still live in the cabin. We've been able to buy everything we need to live here, at least until we find somewhere else.

"Yeah." I replied with a smile, while grabbing his hand tighter.

"Okay." he smiled.

I was nervous, yes, but not because of the fact that I was going to be in the same place as my dad after all that happened, but because I was actually going to see him. And mom. Despite the whole fight, and everything that has been going on, I missed them so much.

The whole drive, I didn't turn to look at Seth. I just stared at the road, becoming more anxious the closer we were. He would occasionally turn to look at me and place his hand on top of mine, to which I would respond with a smile, still looking at the road.

As he parked in front of the house, I could feel my breathing start to get a little heavier, and my heart was racing faster with every second that passed.

I got out of the car, and waited for Seth to stand next to me, to finally knock on the door. Not even thirty seconds passed, and the door opened to reveal that familiar feminine figure standing in front of me, with wide teary eyes.

Before I could even open my mouth to speak, she was already squishing me.
"Elizabeth." she said, hugging me as tight as she could.
"You came." she hugged me tighter, and I could tell she was crying. So was I.

For a moment I almost forgot Seth was here too.

"Hi mrs. Lawrence." he finally spoke up, waving his hand and smiling at her.

"Oh! Hi Seth!" She greeted him, letting me go, and heading to where he was standing. It was now his turn to receive mom's affection.
"I thought we both agreed that you would call me Catherine?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Seth replied, almost running out of breath.

"Good." she laughed, letting go of him.
"Well, come on in!" She exclaimed, gesturing us to come inside.

I smiled at her, and starting heading inside, when I remembered one of my reasons to be scared today.

"Um, mom." I turned around to look at her.

"Yes honey?"

"Is, dad home?" I asked, and although I know she tried to look strong, I could tell she was in pain. she looked down at the floor, and resisted the urge to cry, instead sending us both an attempt of a smile as she shook her head no.

"He left when you did, Liz." she responded, starting to tear up again.

"What!?" Seth and I both yelled.

I honestly expected anything from dad, but this.

"It's okay, it's a long story."she smiled, as a tear rolled down her cheek. She almost instantly brushed it away with her hand and closed the front door.

"How could he leave you?" I asked, anger taking all over my body.

"Since that day, he just sat on the couch all day, without saying a word. He didn't want to eat, or sleep. At night, he would leave the house without telling me where he was going." Her words made me tear up.

"Four days After you left, he said he wasn't going to stay with someone who lied to him, and that I was just as a traitor as you were. Then he left without saying another word--" she tried to continue, but broke down into tears.

"Mom I--"

"All his stuff is still here." she said, almost sobbing.
"It's been almost a month."

Right now, I feel different about my dad. He wasn't satisfied with making me miserable, and now he hurt mom. It's not anger, It's something bigger.

Suddenly, all the tears faded away, and my face was now full of a different emotion.
I looked over to Seth, and his face was blank of expression.

"I- I hate him."

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