Capsize is good/Finding Tony/ Do i like him?

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A/n: Guys, never read "The Hat Fic (phan)" unless if you want to throw up and start crying over the animal abuse. Its so sad. -.- well, if you're into people killing animals and using them for sexual pleasure, then look it up. And I may have just accidentally put my Gum in my water bottle....

Jordan's POV
The whole class period I didn't see Tom. He never showed up to class. I was getting a tad bit worried. The bell rang, and I rushed out of class and sprinted to see if he was sitting on a bench or is Sonja or Tucker knew. I suddenly felt something tap me on the shoulder. I jerked around to see Capsize.

Capsize: "Ye okay?"

Jordan: "No! I haven't seen Tom at a and after what happened in the bathroom, I'm not sure what's happening!"

Capsize: "Er... what happened in the bathroom?"
(Ya sure you wanna know?)

I sighed and slowly rolled up my sleeve. It reviled a huge gash in my arm. She gasped, well sorta. I can't tell with he accent!

Capsize: "What happened to yer arm!?"
(Fail at speaking pirate^^)

Jordan: "Remember when you kinda pissed him off?"

Capsize: "Oh my gosh! I didn't know he would take it that seriously!"

Jordan: "He went super-sain! His eyes were rolled back into his head, he randomly had a sword, and he for some reason said 'One drop of blood', then cut my arm and fell limp to the floor"

Capsize: "He scares me sometimes... I'm so sorry! I didn't know he would hurt ye! Are ye okay!?"

Jordan: "Ya. Just hurts if I bump into anything. Anyways, I'm not sure if he's okay or not! When we went in there, there was blood on the floor. I'm not sure if he would self-harm himself"

Capsize: "We better find him and fast! I'll get my mate to help!"
(When I say 'mate', that means friend/Bro/etc)

She disappeared into the crowd for about 5 minutes, but when she came back, she had two men with her. How many people does she know!?

Capsize: "These are me mates! UserCreated and TwistedGuy!"
(Okay I know UserCreated was technically a Wizard, BUT he hung out with Twisted so Ya)

TwistedGuy has a cow hat on, along with cow printed pants and long-sleeves shirt. UserCreated, however, had the same-ish looking coat as capsize, but he has tan pants and his shirt was white striped orange.

UserCreated: "Why are we here....? I was doing something important"

Capsize: "Well this is more important matey! Tom has been gone for the past hour and we can't find him!"
(Thank you Capsize for saying Tom is important, See! I told you she might not be the trouble maker!)

TwistedGuy: "Tom...? Oh him! Okay! We can help."

UserCreated groaned but nodded. (remember when I said I got my gum stuck in water, well I just spilled the bloody water on me) Capsize sighed and shook her head. Whats going on?

Capsize: "What were ye SO busy with!?"

TwistedGuy: "Ya what were ye doing?!"

UserCreated: "Oh.....Uh....nothing!"
(Btw I ship it! Quick think if name!)

Capsize: "Then don't complain! You both know what Tom looks like right?"

Twisted and User: "Ya"

Capsize: "Good.... You two go that way, Jordan and I will go that way"

We're going down the left, they're going down the right. We all nod. The two go sprinting down the hall, and we do the same but in the opposite direction.The deeper we went into the hall, the less people were there. (that's Ya birds and the bees talk for Ya) We started to slow down, and we were now just walking. But I'm panicking. Is Tony okay?! Is Tom okay!? Did Tom hurt Tony? Did he even find him? Am I just over reacting?

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