Horribly written

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A/n: I just got home from school, Went to dance for an hour, came back and jumped on the trampoline for 30 minutes, and collapses on bed with laptop and phone. If you can do better than me (which everyone can) Than I solute you. I'm so tired ;-;

Song: Hurry up and save me- nightcore (I suggest you listen to the song while reading this, and especially towards the end)

~Time skip from last chapter~

Tom's POV (*Normal Tom*)
I woke up in some weird ass place. Wait... WTF WTF WTF WTF!!! There was a girl.. With a BatMan t-shirt and jeans standing right in front of me. It almost seemed fake, I'm not gonna lie. Another girl was there... She had brown hair and a blue streak. There were more figures, but I couldn't make them out. (wtf?) I was frozen though.

???: "I dunno man. Jordan is flippin out"

???: "I don't know either"

???: "Should we look?"

???: "Nah bruh. We'll be smited. Literally"

???: "Yup"

IM RIGHT HERE!! HELP!!! I tried to yell, but nothing came out. (Eww) It started to static and they just disappeared. Like they were never there. Were they ever there? No dur idiot! They're holograms! Shut up shut up shut up!!! I'm you, you are me. You're nothing like me! Yes i am Tom... Okay fine I am like you but all you care about is killing! I actually care about other things in life! We need to get out either way. Where are we? Why the hell would I know!? You're the one who can see and is controlling your body, not me. I know I know. Suddenly, the room turned into color. But, there was only two f*cking colors! Grey and White. Wow. How amazing (sarcasm)

I was in a sell. A figure stood in front of me but I didn't recognize them. I was chained to a white brick wall. Great. The floor was freezing cold as if it was a meat locker. (Meat locker- huge freezer) The metal was cutting my flesh, and it hurt like hell. The figure laughed in my face. I closed my eyes, not wanting to get pissed. Oh really? I'll have you get pissed. Well, actually. I'm not that much of a use right now.. Shhh! I'm trying to focus! And don't try to make me depressed and shit! I'm not. Im just stating the truth. Whatever man....

"Worthless. You're nothing but worthless. I don't need you. I need him."

Ha! He needs me not you! Actually, that's a bit rude of me. You are seriously nothing like me! I know right? Are you actually the other half of me!? Yup. I guess I get the murderess, hooker, and polite side. Welp. Me and my sister all over again. I sighed as I felt myself slipping away. I'm sorry I have to do this. Its fine. Really. You're me so I'm just talking to myself. True. I do sound crazy. Yup. I do. (....)

"Cmon Tommie"

I hissed at the voice. The voice I never want to hear. Kate. It isn't her. It isn't her. It isn't her.

(*Evil/Twisted Tom)
Get away. Get away. Get the actual f*ck away. I hissed and backed up as far as I could to the wall. The person chuckled. Low life bitch ass f*ck. (Woooah) I still couldn't see the g*d damn person! F*CK YOU!!! I tried to scream but it wouldn't work. As if I was on mute. This made the person laugh. F*CK YOU YOU LOW LIFE F*CK! I'm so pissed I feel like I could kill everyone in the damn country.

Tom: "Get away you f*cking Mianitee!"

I spat with pure venom in my voice.

"Who said I'm a Mianitee?"

That's when my vision adjusted, and noticed they were wearing a white cloak that covered their face. They removed it, and I saw something that shocked me. It was Dianite. (Plot twist?) THAT F*CKER; but that was very smart. But then, he staticed and turned into Ianite. THE F*CKIN BITCH ASS BITCH!! IMMA CUT HER!! It staticed again, and turned into mianite. Okay, this is now fake... right? But they staticed again and turned into someone with vanilla un-natural white hair. Eyes were sparkling red.

My Bloody Little Secret (Syndisparklez)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt